Theoretical and applied aspects of adaptation of university students

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The article considers one of the topical problems of adaptation of University students. Theoretical aspects of adaptation of students are justified: the concept of «adaptation» from the perspective of different sciences is analyzed, the importance of the problem in the modern theory and practice and the Federal Law «On education in the Russian Federation» is shown, the specific characteristics, forms and levels of adaptation of students of the University are reveaed. The course «Motivation of personal growth», which shows the role of the teacher in the process of adaptation of University students, is described. The forms, methods, means and ways of supporting students in the process of adaptation, which can be used in the practice of universities, are proposed. To ensure the successful adaptation of students it is recommended to use a personality-oriented approach, which involves helping students from teachers in understanding themselves as individuals, in identifying, disclosing their potential


Adaptation, students, higher school, teacher-student interaction, educational process of the higher school

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142228933   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2018-10-2-56-63

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