The impact of a dominant foreign language on a country’s culture in the context of globalisation

Автор: Loginova N.Yu., Gudkova Y.V.

Журнал: Сервис plus @servis-plus

Рубрика: Культура и цивилизация

Статья в выпуске: 2 т.17, 2023 года.

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In today's globalized world, the influence of English on different cultures is undeniable. English is studied in all parts of the world. This is due to the natural processes of intercultural interconnection, which reached its historical peak in the 21st century, in terms of the development of economic relations, tourism, technology and access to information. Learning English certainly includes learning the culture of English-speaking countries, in particular the culture of the United Kingdom and the United States. This leads to the inevitable Westernization of the culture of any country. Moreover, learning English allows society to immerse itself in Western mass culture. Often, these processes are perceived as positive global changes, providing a better understanding and a high level of intercultural communication. However, there may come no denying the downside of widespread English language learning. This paper examines the relationship between language and culture, and the role of language in shaping the cultural ethnic base. The influence of a foreign language on the authentic culture is considered, examples of bilingual cultures are given. The problems of integrating a foreign language into the local culture are highlighted. Ways to mitigate the effects of widespread learning of English and its impact on the authentic culture of the country are suggested.


Globalization, cultural identity, intercultural communication, cultural interactions, dominant culture

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140301522   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8232480

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