The main objectives of teaching foreign languages in non-linguistic areas of bachelor's degree

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This article attempts to prove the illegality of putting forward as the main goal of teaching foreign languages exclusively the development of skills to communicate in a foreign language. This point of view is based on a broader understanding of the tasks of teaching foreign languages than just providing practical knowledge of foreign language communication. As a justification of this theory, important arguments related to the acquisition of knowledge about the language and through the language - the culture of the corresponding people are given. The focus solely on the assimilation of practical skills and abilities by students does not allow taking into account the diversity of possible motivations of students in mastering the subject. The emphasis is placed on the fact that not for all students, communicative motivation is the main component in mastering a foreign language. The practical significance of this article lies in the development of a number of competencies necessary to achieve the main goals of teaching foreign languages.


Foreign language, goals and objectives, communicative competence, teaching methods, intercultural communication, speech, communicative culture

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IDR: 170194909   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2022-7-1-110-113

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