The mechanisms of implementation of the state programs in the agrarian sector of economy

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Modern studies in the field of public administration confirm the high efficiency and prospects of using targeted programs at various levels. The formation and realization of targeted programs in the implementation of the agrarian policy of Russia allow of solution of the most significant problems of the latter, while observing all planning principles and constantly monitoring the results achieved. The author of this article analyzes the use of targeted programs on the example of the “State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food Markets”. He considers the directions and causes of its changes, the amount of financing aimed at its implementation, the distribution of responsibilities for its implementation and monitoring. The author also compares this program with the similar one at the level of the Voronezh region, identifies and substantiates common features and signs of difference. In addition to the positive aspects, it is indicated that the regional authorities are not yet fully aware of and so do not use the level of independence available to them in the formation and implementation of agricultural policy. The article proves the strategic nature of program-target planning, its specificity and systemic nature, which makes it attractive for public administration. A general conclusion is drawn on the effectiveness of targeted programs as a mechanism for implementing agricultural policy at the national and regional levels.


Target program, region, agrarian policy, strategy, financing, distribution of responsibilities, result monitoring

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IDR: 140250996   |   DOI: 10.20914/2310-1202-2020-2-190-196

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