The system of management of personnel’s innovative potential at a high technology enterprise
Автор: Onisiforova E.V.
Журнал: Сибирский аэрокосмический журнал @vestnik-sibsau
Рубрика: Экономика
Статья в выпуске: 2 т.16, 2015 года.
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Formation of a new economic space and increasing globalization provides new challenges and prospects for organizations, which are based on innovation. In the innovative economy competitiveness of enterprises is greatly influenced by the development of scientific knowledge and new technologies, both in production and in the field of management. Thus, a problem of work with innovation, creation and development of a well-functioning innovative environment and the mechanism of its maintenance arises. The solution of this problem mainly depends on the human factor, in particular, personnel’s innovative potential. Today management should focus on a person and his or her innovative potential as a main source of innovation and factors that contribute to a high level of innovative activity of enterprises. The paper analyzes the features of labour at high-technology enterprises, two categories of employees are distinguished, that is employees involved in direct production and employees involved in innovative activity. On the basis of these, we propose the system of management of personnel’s innovative potential, consisting of the following elements: objectives, tasks, functions, subjects of management, organizational forms, means, methods, techniques, motivation, assessment, development. The obtained results of the study are aimed at solving the strategic and tactical problems in the implementation of the strategy of innovative development of a high-technology enterprise with the help of the formation of an effective system of management of personnel’s innovative potential at an enterprise.
Personnel management, personnel's innovative potential, innovative economy, high technology enterprise
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148177448
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