Traditions and modernity in teaching vocal art

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The article discusses certain methodological aspects of teaching vocal art in professional education; attention is paid to historically developed traditional methods, the emphasis is placed on the «comprehension of sound creation» in the school of singing by M. I. Glinka and the «russian inspiration» in vocal art. A number of scientific works and different approaches to teaching academic singing (artistic and pedagogical, general didactic, etc.) are highlighted; the issues of spiritual development of vocalists, the relationship between scientific and empirical knowledge in the development of the methodology of singing voice training are touched upon; the problem of preserving national traditions in the performance of vocal music is becoming more acute. The author mentions the positive aspects of the use of information technologies, talks about the advantages of vocal coaching in modern educational practice; a conclusion is made about the prospects for the development of domestic methodological thought in teaching vocal art in higher education on the basis of the identified groups of methods (spiritual value, artistic figurative, scientific and educational).


Professional education, historical and pedagogical traditions, vocal art

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163067   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-2118-136-144

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