Traditional and modern educational technologies in the process of teaching biology in full-time and distance learning

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Resume. The article describes the experience of personal teaching experience in the area of Biology, in the system in the conditions of full-time and distance learning. The authors considered the definitions of the concepts of "distance learning", developed by domestic researchers. The article showsthe essence of distance education, its state at the present level. The traditional and innovative approaches used by the staff of the department in the process of teaching Biology are described. The basic questions of teaching Biology are answered in the process of reading lectures, organizing recitations, organizing competitions and scientific works. A new aspect of the work of teachers is the use of distance learning. Analyzed by the results of the use session of distance learning Biology students. various aspects of the use of distance learning for future doctors are noted. The advantages and disadvantages of this knowledge system are discussed, the results of application are analyzing.


Educational technologies, innovations, pre-college training, medical education, biology teaching and distance learning

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148314393   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-74-63-69

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