Transformation of personality in the conditions of information and digital environment of professional education

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The COVID-19 pandemic has become a catalyst for the process of global digitalization in many countries due to the full transition to online learning. This is both a forced and preventive measure for the education system of many states. At present, it can be stated that the pedagogical community is faced with the fact that the formation of instrumental values and education of young people takes place in a virtual environment, and this is a new challenge in pedagogical practice, which required immediate reflection. The article deals with the phenomenon of personality transformation in the information and digital environment of vocational education, which is an integral element of the process of digital transformation of the modern world. It should be added that digital transformation is not only modern technologies, but also the evolution of the individual's thinking in the changing conditions of the new digital-technological environment. The data of the analysis of the phenomenon of digital transformation of personality in the network space were presented. Theoretically, the characteristic features and features of the process of such a personality transformation are singled out. The positive and negative factors of the global digitalization of education are highlighted. Also, the psychological problems of the personality that arise in the conditions of digital transformation, the common feature of which is fear, are revealed. An analysis of these factors allows us to draw the following conclusions: the DH process is neither strictly positive nor strictly negative. This speaks of its naturalness, conformity to nature, i.e. this process, as we undertake to assert, organically fits into the evolution of man.


Global digitalization, digital technologies, personality transformation, digital technological environment, internet, mobile identity

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IDR: 148324296

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