Труды Н. М. Карамзина в историографии США и Великобритании

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В статье рассматриваются труды английских и американских исследователей литературного и исторического наследия Н.М.Карамзина. Обозначены направления в зарубежной историографии Карамзина.

Н.м.карамзин, историография, история России

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102511

ID: 148102511

Список литературы Труды Н. М. Карамзина в историографии США и Великобритании

  • Быкова, Т.А. Переводы произведений Карамзина на иностранные языки и отклики на них в иностранной литературе//XVIII век: сб. 1. Л., 1935. С. 324.
  • Levan, J. Karamzin and sentimentalism in the development of Russian literature. New York, 1959.
  • Cross, A. N.M.Karamzin: A Study of His Literary Career 1783-1801. London, 1971
  • Cross, A. By the Banks of the Thames: Russians in Eighteenth-Century Britain. London, 1980
  • Cross, A. The Russian Theme in English Literature from the Sixteenth Century to 1980. London, 1985
  • Cross, A. The Russian Theme in English Literature from the Sixteenth Century to 1980. London, 1985
  • Cross, A. Anglo-Russica: Aspects of Anglo-Russian Relations in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. London, 1993
  • Cross, A. By the Banks of the Neva: Chapters from the Lives and Careers of the British in Eighteenth-Century Russia. London, 1996
  • Cross, A. Peter the Great through British Eyes. London, 2000.
  • Black, J. The History and Russian Society in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto, 1975.
  • Clarke, J. Karamzin's Conception of Church Slavonic. The Slavonic and East European Review, Vol. 53, No. 133. P. 493-503.
  • Anderson, R.B. Karamzin's Concept of Linguistic "Cosmopolitanism" in Russian Literature. The South Central Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 4. P. 168-170.
  • Black, J. Historian and Man at Court:Karamzin and Russian Society 1803 -1826. Nicholas Karamzin and Russian Society in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto, 1975. P. 62.
  • Sanders, T. Historiography of Imperial Russia: The Profession and Writing of History in a Multinational State. New York, 1999.