Universities’ policy of supporting students in academically diverse environment

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The aim of this work is to review and analyse the support and development practices for students based on their educational background and academic performance. The increasingly widespread concept of a responsible university involves an opportunity to close or make smaller the gap between academically diversifi ed students. Thus, the purpose is to systematise the practice of working with both low and high-achieving students and assess the possibilities for improving the quality and effectiveness of this work. The analysis regarding existing practices of Russian and international universities is based on the literature review of more than 1600 sources. The review provides identifi cation, comparison and systematisation of common practices used by departments and universities rather than individual teachers. A classifi cation of practices at the stages of identifying, developing and evaluating low and high-achieving students is proposed. Recommendations are formulated for expanding the support and development of students under the conditions of academic diversity and for improving the quality and effectiveness of the educational process.


Academic diversity, student support, development practices, high-achieving students, low-achieving students, international experience, russian experience

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142227582

IDR: 142227582   |   DOI: 10.15826/umpa.2019.05.039

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