Management economic thinking of managers as the methodological knowledge

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In the practice the subject of management (manager) is required to make decisions answering tough questions. The complexity of these issues is due the fact that they consist of numerous factors. This multiplicity is specified by the situation in the market that is expressed unpredictability of social and economic processes and phenomena, multiplied by the ever-increasing competition. The phenomenon of economic thinking of managers as methodological knowledge is considered. The paper presents the analysis of the role of managerial economic thinking in the context of manager’s operations in the management system and its difference from the category of economic thinking. Managerial economic thinking in terms of manager competencies is considered. The contents and functions of managerial economic thinking in the structure of methodological knowledge levels are specified. The philosophical and ideological level is characterized as ideological methodology that provides the subject of management (manager) with common vision, a vision not only as the controlling subsystem in the structure of the control system, but also as the controllable subsystem. In terms of the general scientific methodological level it’s determined that the manager should always stay informed, including the frames of disciplines going beyond the apparent limits of its specific practice. The specific and scientific methodological level will ensure the development of own strategies for building management systems of the organization and reorganization in the context of a current social and economic situation. The level of technologies and techniques will provide the manager with primary research material, its interpretation and presentation by clear regulatory forms. The methodological approach to justification of the phenomenon of managerial economic thinking gives his systematic understanding. This enables the manager as a subject of managerial economic thinking to develop his own economic thinking and solve the problem of limited resources optimization when making management decisions.


Methodological knowledge, economic thinking, management personnel

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IDR: 147156120

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