Managing academic results transformation as a mechanism of improving academic research efficacy

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This research article analyses improvement of mechanisms related to forming the content of research and structuring academic institutions in terms of content and results of conducted research. The article is focused on designing anew mechanism for managing academic research based on their classification in terms of applicability of obtained results and facilitating broad implementation of academic research results into economic and social sphere of the country. The article evaluates efficacy of academic research in Russia, looking into every stage of life - cycle according to the suggested mechanism. It was found out that another way of upgrading academic research results efficacy on the basis of suggested classification is the improvement of mechanisms of formulating academic research topics. Suggested approach to academic research results classification on the basis of their applicability might help in improving mechanisms of formulating the topics of academic research resulting from interconnection between fundamental and applied research, as well as in structuring financing of academic research with the aim of obtaining those results that can be relatively quickly implemented in practice. Besides that further improvement of suggested approach to the applicability - based classification of academic research gives a chance to structure organizations engaged in academic research and creates a foundation for forming net format of obtaining academic research results and their implementation into economy. The use of such mechanism of research classification at higher educational institutions can be very helpful for the administrators in the process of formulating development strategy for perspective research and innovative activities.; implementation of federal target programs and attracting business sector to developing innovative activities of the higher education institution.


Scientific research classification, fundamental, applied and quest scientific research, life-cycle, implementation, economy, nioktr

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142140190

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