“Great Persians” and their poetic mission in the mirror of translations by F. R"uckert

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The article gives an idea of great Persian poets’ attitude of 12-15 centuries to their creative work and to their own poetical mission in the form how their poetry is known in translations by the German romantic poet F.Rückert. The “Great Persians” praised love, life, poetry, wine, God’s universe and felt proud and omnipotent in their creative work. The German romantic poet Friedrich Ryukkert (1788-1866) who stood at the origins of domestic orientalism went down in history of poetry and science of linguistics as the outstanding translator-persolog, the arabist and the indianist. His biography as a translator began (1817-1822) with Persian and with creative development of forms and genres of the Persian poetry. Without being limited to poetic transpositions from east poets, F.Ryukkert with success used the oriental genres mastered by him - a gazelle, rubais, kyta - that is also in the original lyrics. As the poet orientalist the poetry of seven great Persian classics gave him basis for poetic translations and initial popularity. Presenting to the German readers an originality of each of his favorite great Persians, Ryukkert sought to transfer to contemporaries an idea of singers of the far region of the earth and the remote past of the poetic role and a cultural and historical mission of the poet. "The world poetry is the world reconciliation", - considered Ryukkert, and the purpose of this publication - to reveal from the translated poetry by him what makes the general for poetry of any people and all eras considered and what, perhaps, makes specifics of work only of the Persian region poets.


Poetry, gazelle, mission, oriental, relation, attitude, creative work, rückert, ferdousi, nizami, saady, rumi, chafez

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102497

IDR: 148102497

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