Power and border in the post-metaphysical context

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The subject of this article is the correlation of phenomena of power and border in the context of modern post-metaphysical philosophical thought. The object of research is the conceptual development of a modern Russian philosopher and scientist I.A. Isaeva. Based on the analysis of the work of I.A. The authors of Isaev explicate the border as a constitutive component of various types of metaphysical constructions of power phenomena. Significant attention in the article is paid to the disclosure of the influence of the ideas of F. Nietzsche on the formation of modern post-metaphysical concepts of power. The study is based on the idea of synthesizing methodological principles and attitudes of modern historical-philosophical and socio-philosophical studies. The main conclusion of the study is the thesis that in modern post-metaphysical philosophy, the border reveals and delimits the space of existence, establishes a space of power, norms and order. The authors explicate two main types of borders that act as models for the constitution and organization of spaces of power. The first type is more inclined to the cosmological worldview and considers the border as a metaphysical instance, transforming chaos into space and protecting the ordered world from the invasion of anti-cosmic forces. The border here acts as a condition for the implementation of the space of power, leading an unorganized and heterogeneous set to unity and to subordination to the legislation of the center. The second type of metaphysical construction of the border is associated with Christianity, mainly in its Western, Catholic version and has its roots in Neoplatonism and the teachings of A. Augustine. Here, the border no longer separates the cosmos and the realm of chaos, but the ontological realms of the transcendent and immanent, divine and earthly. Beyond the border, which is now supposed to be the absolute limit of earthly existence, there is no longer an unformed multiplicity, but a true supersensible world, in relation to which the immanent world outlined by borders is perceived as being inferior and subject to being overcome. The center moves to the transcendental.


Power, border, metaphysics, transgression, war, f. nietzsche, i.a. isaev

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314359

IDR: 148314359

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