Power - business - civil society: problems of the formation of communications, forecasting, design and regulation social and cultural processes at the applied level

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The article describes the problem of achieving agreement between the power, business and civil society, which can’t be solved without mutual efforts from both the government and business structures and civil society. The works of domestic and foreign authors on the topic of understanding the communications of government, business and civil society are presented. Empirical analysis is based on sociological research, focused on assessing the impact of the process of constructing communication between government, business and society. The research results are aimed at identifying the role of dialogue communication in the interaction of the government, business and civil society, as an essential element of the socio-economic development of the business climate of the country.


Power, business, civil society, communication, dialogue

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148314325

IDR: 148314325

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