The influence of pulse infrared processing and drying of tomatoes at biotechnical conditions of heating

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In food branches of economy and industry of the majority of the countries tomatoes are considered to be the most widespread culture thanks to valuable nutritious and dietary qualities, a wide range of varieties and types, high responsiveness on used technologies of cultivation. Despite the demand, long-term storage of tomatoes remains very problematic task which solution has not been found. Many scientific papers are devoted to the solution of the problem, but no unanimity so far has been achieved. Among existing numerous ways and techniques of conservation of tomatoes with preservation of their valuable nutritious properties, the greatest attention is first of all paid to such at which realization the product not only retains certain properties and qualities, but also the ability of application for receiving various culinary dishes. It is possible to refer the processing and drying which are carried out on determined consistent patterns of advanced innovative technologies to these techniques...


Mode, tomatoes, technology, drying, infrared radiation, heating, biotechnical conditions, quality indicators

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IDR: 140245569

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