The influence of cooling technology and ventilation types on the content of biologically active substances in potatoes during its storage

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The research objective was to assess the influence of cooling technology and ventilation types on the stabilization of microclimatic conditions in deep-type storage facilities on the content of biologically active substances in potato tubers of the Kolpashevsky variety during the year. The research problems were the influence of technology of cooling at storage of tubers of potatoes in the storages of buried type in Siberian conditions; comparison of microclimatic conditions (temperature condition, humidity of air) at storage of potatoes in potato storages of buried type (the 1st type - with a natural supply and exhaust ventilation; the 2nd type - with active (compulsory) ventilation within a year); the definition and the comparative analysis of the content of biologically active agents within a year in potatoes tubers of the variety Kolpashevsky in types storages: with a natural supply and exhaust ventilation and active (compulsory) ventilation with artificial cooling. The objects of the research were potato tubers of the Kolpashevsky variety of Russian selection. Potato tubers were stored in a vegetable storage facility located in the Siberian Region in the village of Solontsy in the South of Krasnoyarsk Territory. The technology of cooling provides the decrease in air temperature by 1.5 °C per day with cooling duration of 25-39 days. The applied technology of cooling at storage of potatoes promotes long preservation of quality raw materials. At application of the technology of cooling in vegetable storehouses of buried type with active (compulsory) ventilation with artificial cooling allocate some stages of storage: preparatory, preliminary and the main. Biologically active agents (sugar, starch, organic acids, ascorbic acid) keep optimum contents at observance of the stages of storage and maintenance of stable microclimatic conditions (temperature condition and relative humidity of air) within a year.


Potato storage, kolpashevsky potato variety, cooling technology, buried vegetable storage, ventilation types, microclimatic conditions, biologically active substances, the south of krasnoyarsk territory

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256888   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-2-174-180

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