Introduction of innovative technology of student training based on a matrix model of cognitive activity

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The article discusses an innovative approach to the organization of self-educational activity of students based on a matrix model of cognitive activity, which allows us to consider the assimilation of educational material as a "movement" in modules. With the help of this model, it is possible to provide a mechanism for the necessary systematization of educational tasks of the subject module, to organize self-educational activities. As a result, all the presented educational material is decomposed into four activity levels, corresponding to the varying complexity of mastering educational information from the point of view of cognitive activity, which determines the choice of disciplinary modules. The principles of building modules are the same. At the beginning of each module there is a theoretical material, including definitions and basic concepts, as well as explanations for understanding the topic. Further, analyzed examples are given, using the above theoretical material. After them, tasks for independent solution are given, similar to those analyzed. With the help of the proposed teaching aids, the student can independently organize his educational activities at a convenient time for him, as well as exercise self-control and determine the level of his knowledge. The proposed technology has been tested at Samara State Transport University. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in the first and second year of full-time and part-time education in the study of mathematics.


Self-educational activity of students (sod), matrix model, innovative model of sod organization, cognitive activity, matrix, module

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IDR: 148324097

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