The eastern practices as one of the sources of N. Demidov’s method

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The practice of Demidov's sketches is widely used in theatrical pedagogy today. N. V. Demidov had a medical education, studied Tibetan medicine and suggested K. S. Stanislavsky to use the psychophysics work technics in acting accumulated in yogic teaching. In his own method, N. V. Demidov was looking for ways to actively include irrational mechanisms of the psyche in the process of acting, which is the basic of the desired state of creative inspiration, which is a special state of consciousness and is actively studied by modern science. The author of the article analyzes the connections between Demidov's approach and some provisions of the spiritual and bodily teachings of the East, which are the basis of work with psychophysics and have been attracting the attention of theater teachers for many years. Working with consciousness is one of the main directions explored by Eastern teachings, and it was thanks to acquaintance with Tibetan medicine, yoga, N. V. Demidov managed to get close to the subtle, elusive layers of the psyche and provoke the nature of the artist to a unique, free, creative existence on stage. It is in the XXI century that the Demidov's approach becomes extremely popular.


Demidov 's sketches, oriental practices, theatrical pedagogy, psychophysics of the actor, inspiration, special state of consciousness

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IDR: 148327213   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-92-63-71

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