The interaction of technological and axiological aspects of media designing in the system of professional journalistic education: integration of education and development

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The subject of the article is media designing as an instrument of professional journalistic education. The object of the article is an integral model of the media education project. The purpose of the article is to consider the interaction of the technological and axiological aspects of media designing as the basis of an integrated model of a media education project focused on the formation of media competencies and the development of the personality in the education process. In the system of professional journalistic education media designing is aimed at mastering the skills of media production and the formation of professional competencies. The indicator of the media competence of future journalists is the ability to create texts in different sign systems and to design media / media texts. Media design is related to the implementation of media education projects which are considered as a tool for professional journalistic education, project pedagogical technology, the result and the product of media education activities. The media education project is aimed at forming the skills of media production through the actualization of the technological (media) and axiological aspects of media design. The technological aspect of media design is related to mastering the technology of creating media projects, the algorithm of media production (print, television, Internet, radio). The axiological aspect implements the value potential of media design and contributes to the formation of a value-based media education environment. In connection with the actualization of the axiological component, the media education project becomes the field of axiosphere representation, the target audience of which are both the students-participants in media production and the potential audience of the media. Methodology of work - analysis of scientific literature, design (modeling and implementation of media education projects), formative an experiment. The results of the research contain the outlines of the integrated model of the media education project and the features of its functioning in the system of professional media education. The field of application of the research results is the media model of professional journalism education in the aspect of developing the methodology and technology of media design, clarifying the thesaurus of professional media education. Conclusions. Interaction in the process of media design of technological and axiological aspects allows us to talk about the media project implementation of the media education function and about the prospects of the integrated model of the media education project in the system of professional journalistic education.


Mediaproduction, media education project, professional journalism education, media competence, the axiological aspect of mediaproduction, the technological aspect of mediaproduction, axiology media education project, an integrative model of media education project, training, development, media education


Короткий адрес:

ID: 148102578
