The relationship between man and nature in the context of an ecological approach

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At the beginning of the article, the author dwells on the history of the formation of the ecological approach and the models that have developed in it to date. Further, the transformation of human ideas about nature is traced. The author notes that already in the works of ancient philosophers, the concept of “fusis” has a multivariant character, moving from medicine to the field of natural elements, elements, and only in the philosophy of Aristotle acquires a close to modern interpretation. Within the framework of Christian theology, the uncreated nature of God and the created nature of man and the surrounding world are sub stantiated. The ideas about God and man, his interaction with nature, build a hierarchical vertical, the top of which is occupied by God, and the bottom is assigned to nature. The man between them was no longer a link, he opposed nature, supported by God. The author emphasizes that the result of the development of this trend and the new European idea of man’s ability to conquer nature is the alienation of man from nature, the formation of an anthropocentric ecological consciousness, in which nature is only the object of human efforts, his various purely pragmatic manipulations with regard to nature. This type of consciousness is characterized by anthropocentrism, anti environmentalism and social optimism. In conclusion, it is concluded that one of the areas of activity for overcoming the environmental crisis should be coevolution, which involves restoration on the basis of revision and rethinking of all factors of social development of organic unity.


Park space, ecology, nature, ecological approach, ecological consciousness, anti-environmental-ism, coevolution

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163090   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-3119-37-44

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