Task-based Russian language teaching in China in the context of second language acquisition theory

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As the political, economic, cultural, educational, and scientific-technical collaboration between China and Russia continues to evolve, China's demand for Russian-speaking professionals steadily increases. There is a pressing need for new teaching methodologies that are tailored to national conditions and grounded in second language acquisition theory. One such method is task-based Russian language teaching (Task-based Language Teaching), which can ensure the preparation of teaching staff capable of meeting the needs of the PRCЭs societal development - that is, Chinese speakers proficient in Russian for teaching it as a second language within China. The study aims to illuminate how task-based methods facilitate the learning of Russian among Chinese students by promoting active engagement, authentic language use, and the integration of cultural insights. Task-based learning emerges as a potent pedagogical approach for teaching Russian in China, aligning with second language acquisition theory by promoting interactive, context-rich language use. The study underscores the need for further research into task design and implementation strategies to maximize the benefits of TBLT for learners of diverse linguistic backgrounds. This exploration into task-based Russian language instruction in China demonstrates the potential of task-based methodologies to significantly enhance second language acquisition through a focus on practical application, interactive learning, and cultural integration. As such, it reinforces the call for educators to incorporate task-based approaches in language teaching programs, tailor-made to the specific linguistic and cultural context of Chinese students learning Russian.


Second language acquisition, russian language teaching, task-based russian language teaching, quest teaching, second language, context

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149145317

IDR: 149145317   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2024.4.13

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