Significance of reading in the context of the formation of imaginative thinking in adolescents

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Subject : Study of the relationship between reading children's literature and the development of imaginative thinking in adolescents. The goal of the article : to reveal the level of formation of image thinking in teenagers aged 11-14 years. Method of research : experimental based on questionnaires. The results of the work . The features of children's literature and the role of reading in childhood and adolescence in different historical periods are considered. The loss of interest to the book in modern society is discussed. The psychological aspects of formation of images of world around children are shown. Own data of questionnaire (projective methods) of teenagers about their representation of literary heroes on the example of Peter Pan J.M. Barrie are analyzed. Characteristic differences in the degree of detailing of images in multi- and low-reading children are revealed. Sex and age differences in the perception of Peter Pan by respondents were noted. Conclusion : Regular reading contributes to richer imaginative thinking.


Imaginative thinking, imagination, reading, childhood, literature

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IDR: 148312991   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-72-33-37

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