Sign and symbolical pragmatics as basis of rituals of culture

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The cultural continuum in which there is a process of modern person life activity consists of the most stable elements - symbols. According to Yu.M. Lotman, symbols act as an important, and in our opinion, as the self-organized mechanism of the culture memory: symbols transfer texts, narrtive schemes and other semiotic formations from one culture layer to another. Moreover, the constant character sets penetrating a diachrony of culture considerably undertake function of unity mechanisms: carrying out in practice the culture memory of itself they do not allow it to fall into isolated chronological layers. Let''s note that symbols mark and reflect the main up to date processes in society. All this proves that "unity of the main dominating symbols set, and duration of their cultural life is determined considerably by national and areal limits of cultures" (Yu.M. Lotman). Thus we consider "symbol generating function" of consciousness which generates the meanings folded up into symbols are considered as an initial prerequisite of communication sign in culture as a basis of people communication. In this regard the unified cognitive human nature in its cultural history determines forms of its internal "existence" on perception, assessment and understanding of culture symbols which have historically developed conventional character. Conclusion. Each culture has the strategy of interaction and communication of people, possesses basic universal means which are necessary in any culture, for example: language, speech, objective world of artifacts, ideology, art, various standard systems and also war and others. Broadcast of cultural and historical content of culture surrounding the individual happens in a semiosfer by means of the symbols penetrating both the past and the present and also going to the future in series of people generations. Each person, by the right of the birth on the earth and the fact of a cultural and historical context in the course of cultural communication is accompanied by the conventional cultural field of all mankind. External and internal forms of existence and reflection of various cultural information as consensus on person integrity indicate that external forms, and internal reflection of such forms, are inherent to sign and symbolic language and also are an ornament style in the system of culture. Sign and symbolic language of culture rituals is inherent to consciousness of each person, is integral from the sign and symbolic program of social initiation of consciousness. That is consciousness of the person possessing the symbol generating function evolving from his own cognitive processes is reflected in culture as sign and symbolic pragmatics of culture rituals and also as conventionality of sign and symbolic language.


Cultural and historical continuum of culture, stability of a sign and symbolical context of social communication, conventionality of symbols of culture, sign and symbolical pragmatics of rituals

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