Axiologization of the educational process in a modern military university: experimental research

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The current stage of development of society implies reform of the higher education system and the search for a current system of values that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education. At this stage of development of the higher education system, a reproducing and updated system of value orientations is needed, which determine the purpose of education in modern Russian universities: the revival of the national culture of the people, universal human values, the formation of patriotism and a strong civic position of every citizen of Russia. The authors of the article focus on the axiological approach in the system of higher education in modern military universities, the relevance of which is explained by its function of training cadets distinguished by high professionalism, spiritual values and a strong civic position. The authors pay special attention to the consideration of the specific value system of cadets and the influence of universal human values on the formation of the personality of a future specialist. The authors present the results of an experimental study confirming that the level of general cultural competence of students at modern military universities does not fully meet the requirements of society, which emphasizes the need and feasibility of improving the system of training and education of future specialists. The purpose of the article is to determine the status of the axiological approach in the educational process of Academy and describe the results of the experimental study. Activities and practical tasks of academic disciplines carried out using the axiological potential of the content material were described. The results of the study suggested the substantiation of the need to develop the ability of cadets to choose opportunities for cultural development independently and improve in spiritual and moral development, which is necessary for the professional activity of a modern specialist.


Axiologization, humanitarization of the content of education, axiological approach, moral potential, modern education, formation, value attitude

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IDR: 142243316

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