Relevance of the problem of development of human social-information intelligence in the era of artificial intelligence
Автор: Korchemkina Yu.V., Uvarina N.V.
Журнал: Современная высшая школа: инновационный аспект @journal-rbiu
Рубрика: Философские проблемы образования
Статья в выпуске: 3 (65) т.16, 2024 года.
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The article presents an analysis of the problems that arise when introducing artificial intelligence systems into various spheres of life in the conditions of the information society. A review of scientific sources and opinions of practitioners was carried out. The problems associated with the costs of creating and implementing artificial intelligence systems, the quality of data on the basis of which machine learning is carried out, the imperfection of machine learning algorithms, the lack of regulatory and legal support, moral and ethical aspects, insufficient training of specialists of various professions to work with artificial intelligence are highlighted. intelligence. It is concluded that artificial intelligence is becoming an importantmeans of allowing data processing, however, the introduction of artificial intelligence systems and the conditions of the information society require the development of social-information intelligence in humans - an integral quality that allows them to effectively exist in a given society, including the use of artificial intelligence systems in its various fields.
Social and information intelligence, information society, artificial intelligence, personal intelligence, information and analytical skills
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IDR: 142243315