Analysis of sociocultural service for the population: quantitative and qualitative characteristics

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An increase of social significance of socio-cultural service system as well as the ongoing changes in Russia, reflected in social practices, stipulate the relevance of necessity to study it from social point of view. Not only individual needs but also the processes of managing social actions are of particular importance in social practices of meeting human demands. The work is aimed at analyzing the socio-cultural services to the population in quantitative and qualitative indicators, identifying connections and relationships with indicators of accessibility and opportunities of Russians in social practices. The research is based on general scientific methods, statistical methods (based on official statistics), and sociological methods (expert assessments, questionnaires). The results of the analysis of the volume and structure of services consumption characterize a low share of socio-cultural services and tourism, which affects a person. Causal relationships show a deep differentiation in the area of residence and a discrepancy in the ratio of the level of accessibility and the possibility of consuming socio-cultural services. Forming a management system using the principles and methods of servicing a person in its various aspects and considering Russian specifics increases the conditions and standard of living of the citizens of our country.


Sociocultural service, social processes, consumption volumes, service consumption structure, russian experience

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IDR: 140261083   |   DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-4-184-191

Список литературы Analysis of sociocultural service for the population: quantitative and qualitative characteristics

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