Analysis of the influence of heating temperature on the convective drying process

Автор: Alexeyeva N.V., Satayev M.I., Azimov A.M., Shakiryanova Z.M., Duisebayev Sh.E., Ashirbayev Zh.S.

Журнал: Вестник Алматинского технологического университета @vestnik-atu

Рубрика: Технология пищевой и перерабатывающей промышленности

Статья в выпуске: 2 (144), 2024 года.

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The study examines the influence of heating temperature during the convective drying of fruits on the mass fraction of moisture in the finished product. Convective drying is a promising method for preserving products, allowing the production of dried fruits that can provide essential nutrients year-round. The experiments detailed in this article aim to establish optimal fruit drying modes. Standard methods were used to analyze the experiments according to regulatory documents in force in Kazakhstan. The authors proposed diagrams of convective drying of the fruits in the south of Kazakhstan. According to the constructed schemes, it can be seen that the heating temperature during the drying process affects the final product. According to the analysis, an increase in heating temperature results in a decreased drying time. At the specified time, the highest conversion rate of the relative mass of the dried product is detected. Additionally, it was obtained that the temperature, size, and structure of fresh raw materials affect the period of maximum moisture volatilization rate. The authors carried out a sensory evaluation of the main quality indicators: taste, color, odor and consistency. The optimal characteristics of the indicators were determined. They were extracted at a heating temperature of 50 ....65 °C. Numerous experiments have shown that it is necessary to offer such convective drying parameters. Convective drying temperature for apples is 50-55 °C, for apricots - 55-65 °C, for prune plums - 60-65 °C. Such results will be useful in the technology of fruit and vegetable processing.


Convective drying, temperature, fruits, mass fraction of moisture, organoleptic evaluation, analysis

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305894   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-63-70

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