Исторические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики
Situation on environmental protection in Uzbekistan in 1950-1980-ies
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In the given article are considered the problems of environmental protection situation in Uzbekistan in 50-80s of the XX century. In the article are Enlighted the processes of environmental protection in Uzbekistan in 1950-1990-ies, worsening of ecological environment, its influence to social and economical life. In the article is noted that in the Soviet period the infrastructure of the republic oriented to the raw material couldn’t require to national economy. The raw character of production strength and their development led to not rational use of natural material, in the condition of deficiency of the final products led to the wide production of agricultural raw material. There were arisen social and ecological problems of water and land resources use. Under the influence of such factors was damaged the balance of “nature-population-national economy” system. There was made inreperable harm to many important vital interests. There was analized the influence of negative ecological situation to social and economical life at the example of Aral Sea and Aral Sea region problem. In the process of the work was obtained the information which in the sphere of environmental protection in 60s of the XX century Nature conservation society started its activity, in the last years by regulatory bodies of the republic was adopted number of important decisions on its activity improvement. On this basis, it was taken into public control the implementation of laws for nature protection, carried out complex measures on environmental protection and its improvement. However, these shortcomings in the work, as a formality, the pursuit of numbers reduced its effectiveness. Founded in 1988, State committee for nature protection began a new stage in environmental protection.
Source studies and historiography of the economic situation of the Azerbaijan SSR (1920-1927)
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The first half of the 1920s is an extremely interesting and at the same time complex and contradictory period in the history of Azerbaijan. During this period, the April Revolution, which determined the historical fate of our people for the next 70 years of the 20th century, took place, our country lost its state independence, and radical changes began in all spheres of social-political, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual life. During the writing of the article, rich source archival materials were used, first of all, the State Archive of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Archive of Political Documents of the Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Scientific Archive of the History Institute named after A. A. Bakikhanov of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. The problem of the economic situation of the Azerbaijan SSR is one of the problems that the researchers of the relevant period paid special attention to, both in the historiography of the Soviet era and in the historiography of the Motherland during the years of independence. During the writing of the historiography section of the studied problem, the works of those researchers were widely used.
The Yahyo Gulomov role in the study of the primitive history of the Bukhara oasis
In the 50s and 60s of the XX century, the first archaeological excavations were carried out in the western part of the Bukhara oasis, in the foothills of the Zarafshan River. It is headed by Yahyo Gulomovich Gulomov, the father of Uzbek archaeology. The expedition will find the sites of Neolithic and Bronze Age communities in the area, and later excavations at these sites will reveal many innovations in our history. The article discusses the role of Yahyo Gulomov in the study of the primitive history of the Bukhara oasis and his great contribution.
The development of the transport system in Surkhandarya province
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Research of the transport system of Surkhandarya region shows that most rural districts have weak transport potential, which does not allow effective use of their mineral raw material potential. For this reason, ensuring the development and expansion of the existing regional transport systems, their modernization, regional improvement of the regional transport system is one of the urgent issues of today.
The historical development stages of the Tashkent oasis
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The article is devoted to the development of ancient cultural processes of the Tashkent oasis on the basis of data collected as a result of archaeological research of monuments. The scientific views of researchers on the history of the oasis are critically examined and enriched with new scientific ideas and conclusions based on their comparative analysis.
The history of studying the city of Margilan in landscape archeological research
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The article emphasizes the importance of the city of Margilan, which plays an important role in the urban planning of South Fergana, based on the information provided in written sources. The formation of anthropogenic landscapes in urban planning processes is covered on the basis of finds of archaeologists who researched in this area.
The landscape factor in the development of ancient stone age settlements
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The article highlights long-term studies and the source materials obtained from them on the archeology of the Stone Age in Uzbekistan, which is an important component of Central Asia. Based on the analysis, the role and importance of natural landscapes as the main factor in the development of natural landscapes and areas of settlement by ancient communities of the Stone Age are shown.
The main stages of the development process of Ancient Surkhan
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This article presents conclusions about the development of the ancient Surkhan territory by the inhabitants of this region, also analyzes the emergence of the early anthropogenic landscape of irrigated agriculture, handicrafts, and the development of the urban planning industry.
The role of caravan roads in the development of trade
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The article describes caravan routes and their division into groups and their role in trade relations, as well as the impact of trade development on cities and their infrastructure, based on archival documents and historical sources.
The role of trade routes and local markets in the economic life of the Surkhan oasis
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In this article, the overland trade routes that existed in the Beks of Eastern Bukhara in the 18th-20th centuries, what products played the main role in the daily needs of the residents of the oasis, the role of trade relations in the economic, socio-political life of the Beks, were described based on the principles of comparative analysis and historical sequence through historical sources.
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This article is devoted to learning long traditions of Surkhan valley agriculture. It was proved by ethnographical field materials and archive documents in this article that Surkhan valley was surrounded by mountains covering 3 sides, only southern side was open to Amu-Darya, and this geographical position was very comfortable for agriculture. It was scientifically determined that Surkhan valley was not only high-tempered area, but also very convenient land with sunny weather. New kinds of the crops of Surkhan valley agriculture were augmented according to local position at the period of Bukhara emirate. Creating special kinds of land products and cereals suitable for valley climate were written based on archive sources. Changes happening on sowing crops in the valley influencing political, economic and ethnographical processes resulted by Bukhara emirate’s being dependent to Russian empire were given based on scientific literature, archive materials, and statistics. As well as stretching cotton-growing lands, traditions of agriculture, and transformation processes were analyzed by many historical-ethnographical sources for this time.
USSR-Turkey relations (second half of the 1950s)
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In the article, the tension of USSR-Turkey relations starting from the second half of the 20th century, the international environment and conflicts in the Middle and Middle East region in the 1950s, the projects put forward by the United States, England and France for the defense of the Middle East, the measures taken against the Soviet threat, and for the sake of influence in Syria The aggravation of the struggle between the USA and the USSR, the impact of the Syrian crisis on the relations between the USSR and Turkey was investigated. At the same time, Turkey submitted a memorandum to its Western allies that reflected the main goal of the USSR’s policy regarding the Middle East, despite the calls of the Soviet heads of state to normalize relations with Turkey in the 1950s and 1960s, the special services of the USSR ignored the Kurdish and Armenian factors in the Middle East. Attempts to use it and issues related to the Baghdad Pact were analyzed.
Urbanization as a social process: historical analysis
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This article analyses the historical and modern, foreign and local research based on a multi-dimensional approach from the point of view of the forms-schemes, main directions and strategies of the “urban society”, formed as a result of the expansion and deepening of urbanization processes.
Uzbek scholar Sherali Turdiev: discoverer of the closed pages
The article discusses the life and work of Sherali Turdiev, a well-known enlightener - scholar and writer. Dr. Sherali Turdiev had dedicated quite a big part of his life for studying life and fate of the erudite and well-educated personalities who had been victims of injustice in the first part of XX century. Dr. Sherali Turdiev had investigated the activities and works of the repressed intellectuals and Jadids in detail and made a significant contribution to justify them. The responsibility of today’s young intellectuals to know such passionate researchers as Sherali Turdiev and to continue their work. As a granddaughter of Dr. Sherali Turdiev, I dared to write about my grandfather based on his remembrance pages.
Аграрные реформы 1921-1922 гг. в Кыргызстане
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Анализируется земельно-водная реформа 1921-1922 гг., проводимая на Севере Кыргызстана. Отмечаются решения, принятые партией большевиков, цели и задачи реформы. Основные идеи проведения реформы были заложены в декрете «О социализации земли». Отмечено, что до революции 1917 года среди сельских жителей абсолютное большинство составляло кочевое киргизское население, их было примерно свыше 80% из 160 тыс крестьянских хозяйств. Началом реформы считается 1921 год. В результате реформы из северной части Кыргызстана было выселено 6057 кулацких и наиболее зажиточных хозяйств, а на освобожденных землях было размещено 5970 бедняцких семей. Проведение реформы происходило в тяжелых условиях, манапы и русские кулаки выступали против реформы. В результате земельно-водной реформы ускорился процесс оседания кочевников, к 1927 году 62% киргизских хозяйств перешли на оседлый образ жизни. В результате ликвидации бай-манапов как класс, в 1929 году из 190 тыс киргизских хозяйств, 3,5 тыс считавшихся кулаками, были отправлены в ссылку за пределы Республики.
Административно-правовое положение территорий российского северо-востока (XVIII-XIX вв.)
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Работа посвящена изучению истории поиска российской государственной власти оптимальных форм и моделей административно-правового развития северо-восточных территорий в XVIII-XIX веках. В современном административно-государственном делении северо-восток интегрирует Магаданскую область, Камчатский край, Чукотский автономный округ, северо-восточные регионы Республики Якутия (Саха). При написании статьи были использованы такие методы как выявление причинно-следственных связей, анализ, система методов исторического описания. Хронологические рамки работы охватывают два столетия - XVIII и XIX века. В начале нижней хронологической грани северо-восточные земли представляли для центральной власти малоизведанное пространство, имеющее ценность как источник мягкой рухляди в государственную казну. Аборигенные народы рассматривались как плательщики ясачной подати. В XIX в. Россия вышла к Тихоокеанским рубежам и северо-восток становится форпостом государства в регионе. В статье указаны факторы, обусловившие расширение российского государства на восток вплоть до тихоокеанского побережья и связанную с ними трансформацию значимости и функций северо-восточного региона в указанные временные рамки. Отмечены проблемы администрирования громадных территорий - удаленность от центральных органов власти, полиэтничность, малонаселенность и дисперсность проживания населения, громоздкость и неэффективность системы органов государственного управления. Изложена роль Сибирского приказа в деле управления северо-восточными землями. Автор изучает действия государственной власти в направлении поиска оптимальных форм управления и административно-территориального устройства в дореволюционный период. Кратко затронута роль персоналий - В. Беринга, М. М. Сперанского, Н. Н. Муравьева, внесших вклад в развитие административно-территориального устройства северо-восточных окраин российского государства.
Анализ орнаментов кыргызской национальной традиционной распашной юбки-бельдемчи
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Приведен анализ строения и орнаментов национальной распашной юбки-бельдемчи, созданной кыргызскими мастерицами. На основе этого анализа рассмотрена возможность обучения творчеству кыргызских мастериц. Объект исследования: национальное декоративно-прикладное искусство кыргызского народа, традиционная национальная одежда кыргызов, ее конструкция, технология и отделка.
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Данная научная работа ставит целью изучение общественной собственности на средства производства в советской экономической системе. Рассмотрены такие показатели, как функционирование коллективных хозяйств, их количественное и качественное изменение с течением времени, валовая продукция, производственные и экономические расходы. Представлены статистические исследования государственных сборников «Колхозы во второй сталинской пятилетке» 1939 г. и «Колхозы СССР» 1988 г. На основе указанных данных объясняется экономическая эффективность коллективных хозяйств и факторы производственных изменений. В статье также рассматривается юридическое положение общественной собственности согласно Конституциям СССР от 1936 и 1977 гг. Рассмотрены эффекты «трагедии общих ресурсов» и «реформаторской петли» в отношении данной собственности. В заключении представлены выводы о рентабельности и производственной эффективности колхозов.
Астрономические знания древних кыргызов
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В статье исследованы жизненные знания древних кыргызов, приводится космонимика, адаптированная к требованиями кочевого образа жизни. Стремление разгадать тайны вселенной и бытия, скрытые в единицах философско-космологического мировоззрения включает все слои рационального и эмпирического мышления. Книга неба символами показывает картину космоса и место человека во вселенной. Древние кыргызы прекрасно ориентировались по движению Солнца, Луны, расположению звезд, обнаруживали и подмечали особенности в движении небесных светил и таким образом накопили уникальный опыт, который в последующем стал фундаментом национальных этноастрономических знаний.
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Статья посвящается истории формирования, состава и судьбы рукописной колекции (библиотеки) Мухаммада Шарифджана Садри Зия, государственного деятеля, просветителя, ученого, поэта, писателя и каллиграфа, мецената, библиофила, видного представителя бухарской интеллигенции начала ХХ в.