Исторические науки. Рубрика в журнале - Бюллетень науки и практики

"Страсти по октябрю": реакция российского демократического социализма на большевистский переворот
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Доказательством актуальности тематики данной статьи могут послужить общие тенденции мировой политики как прошлого, так и настоящего: в государствах с нестабильной общественно-политической структурой, отсутствием устойчивых демократических принципов и традиций, недостатком легитимности власти всегда велик риск системного переворота, как правило, сопряженного с социальной деструкцией, человеческими бедствиями и даже жертвами. Умение предвидеть и предотвратить подобные катаклизмы, обеспечить надежность государственного организма - искусство, которым должны владеть политические элиты. Окончившийся неудачей опыт демократической республики в России краткого периода от февраля к октябрю 1917 г. - яркое тому подтверждение. Целью исследования является емкая иллюстрация реакции на большевистский переворот партий демократического социализма (эсеров, народных социалистов и меньшевиков), лидеры которых были широко представлены в органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления, а также выявление общего и особенного в их отношении к октябрьскому перевороту и его акторам...

"Трудовой народ" как объект идеологического воздействия неонароднических партий начала ХХ века
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Актуальность исследования обусловлена недостаточным освещением в современной исторической литературе ряда тех сторон деятельности партий демократического социализма, что касаются характера взаимодействия этих партий с предметом их политической заинтересованности и социальной заботы - трудовыми массами города и, в особенности, деревни. Возможно, данная проблематика не столь масштабна, чтобы претендовать на звание «фундаментальной» - она не связана напрямую с идеологической борьбой в партийных элитах, зато объемно иллюстрирует рабочие процессы, шедшие внутри народнических партий на всех уровнях - от лидеров-теоретиков до активистов низовых организаций. Народническое течение в начале ХХ века представляли партии социалистов-революционеров (образование путем объединения эсеровских групп - 1901-1902, окончательное организационное оформление - декабрь 1905 гг.) и народных социалистов (идея создания - 1905, организационное оформление - 1906 гг.). Рассматривается механизм определения народническими партиями начала ХХ века своей «целевой аудитории» - трудового населения, включавшего рабочих, трудовое крестьянство и трудовую интеллигенцию...

A new phase of economic development in Sumgait city (2003-2008)
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The creation of a special economic zone in Sumgait and the directions of specialization of the activity of this zone, all allowances, business guarantees given to foreign and domestic investors, and concessions to local enterprises and organizations on their activities are intended to be reflected. Extensive works were carried out in Sumgait city in the field of implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 11, 2004, on the approval of the State Program for the socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2004-2008 and the integration of Sumgait to the world, the establishment of economic and cultural relations. During this period, the indicators of the gross domestic product were on the increasing dynamics, foreign investment was invested in various areas of the city, which mainly included industrial enterprises, and attention and care was paid to the development of free entrepreneurship in the city. Important works on the restoration and development of the petrochemical industry based on modern technology were carried out in Sumgait, production areas, construction and installation works were started, and the dynamic pace of development covering socio-economic areas throughout the city was successfully continued.

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The Declaration of sovereignty by Kyrgyzstan in December 1990, the adoption of the Declaration of independence in August 1991 and their recognition by the world community were the most important historical and political events for our country at the end of the XX century, which led to fundamental changes in all spheres of public life, including in the development of culture. The changes that occurred in these years in the country’s management system have created a number of new problems in the historical and cultural development of the nation. A sharp increase in the flow of diverse ideological information, the strengthening of the influence of Western culture against the background of the socio-economic crisis that engulfed the country from the first years of sovereignty, had an impact, and not always positive, on the national culture.

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В статье говорится об употреблении понятия avaritia «жадность» в сочинениях Цицерона. Целью исследования является системный анализ понятия на основе квантитативного метода. Имеется более 150 случаев употребления понятия avaritia и его производных (avarus, avare) у Цицерона. Чаще всего термин встречается в речах (около 100 раз), особенно в инвективах «Против Верреса» (55 раз), меньше всего - в переписке (6 раз). Для Цицерона жадность - один из самых серьезных пороков, подразумевающий преувеличенное мнение о деньгах. Наряду с отрицательными нравственными категориями (luxuria / luxuries, crudelitas, superbia и др.) и положительными (этическими понятиями стоической философии (honestum / honestas, virtus, officium, justitia, liberalitas, cogitatio, temperantia и др.) и исконно римскими этическими и политико-правовыми терминами (dignitas, jus, lex и др.), противопоставленными алчности) понятие avaritia образует ядро этико-философского и политического понятийного аппарата сочинений Цицерона.

Basic aspects in the Kyrgyz-French relations development
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France is a regional State in Europe. However, it is among the largest states capable of simultaneously influencing global geopolitical and geo-economic processes, the formation of a new architecture of international relations. France is the Permanent Representative of the United Nations Security Council and pays special attention to international issues. For many states and international organizations, France is the most favorable state for the development of partnerships. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic is intended to ensure the integration of Kyrgyzstan into the European economy. In this regard, the integration of Kyrgyz legislation in all areas of activity defined by the partnership and cooperation agreement, in accordance with the international treaties of the Member States of the European Union, is of particular importance.

Baysun in the political life of the Mangit dynasty
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This article analyzes the naming of Baysun property in historical sources, the description of the ruler’s fortress in Baysun, and the existing properties in Baysun.

Brief Review of the Study of Central Asian Agriculture
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The article examines archaeobotanical and agricultural research conducted in Central Asia. Based on this research, the author divided the study of irrigational and agricultural culture in Central Asia into three groups. These have been studied in groups such as the issue of irrigation facilities and irrigation systems, the issue of tools of labor, and the issue of farming and economics in the restoration of the agricultural past, and the essence of the issue has been clarified.

Folk crafts as an important part of the economy (in the example of the Surkhan oasis)
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In the XIX-XX centuries, various branches of handicrafts developed in the villages of the Surkhan oasis, which was directly part of the Bukhara Emirate. In particular, the ceramics industry, woodworking, boat building as a result of trade across the Amudarya, and the construction of water mills are highly developed. The growing daily needs of the oasis population have played a key role in making this sector an important part of the economy. This article is based on historical and scientific sources as well as personal observations and highlihts how handicrafts were made and used in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Foreign trade relations of the khanate of Bukhara
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In Bukhara Khanate, which has a history of about 250 years, had also done a number of trade activities. By the second half of the 16th century, the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates joined the Russian state. As the border of this state approached Central Asia, the trade relations between the Bukhara, Balkh, Khiva khanates and Russia were strengthened, and permanent relationship developed. Bukhara officials send ambassadors several times to Russia in order to benefit their traders.

From the history of Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan (1925-1991)
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This article analyzes the questions about the Uzbeks who lived in the Kyrgyzstan in 1925-1991, their number, growth dynamics, and territorial location.

Horse-breeding of the oasis of Surkhan
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Since ancient times in Uzbekistan, special attention has been paid to horse breeding. We can see this in dastans and traditions, where poets and bakhshis sang about mythical horses. And most importantly, the horse was very much appreciated as a companion of a horse. As in other regions of the republic, special attention was paid to the development of horse breeding in the Surkhan oasis. Several breeds of horses were bred in the oasis, they were called ‘adobe’, ‘jiyran’, ‘turik’, ‘buz’ and others by color. Uzbeks mainly bred ‘Karabair’, ‘Lakay’, ‘Turkman’, and sometimes Arab ones. For breeding local breeds of horses ‘Karabair’ were used breeds of Turkmen, Arab and Mongolian horses. By breeding horses such breeds of ‘Karabair’ horses as ‘Uzbek’, ‘Miyenkul’, ‘Urgut’ and others were bred. Also, horses were named for their age. A newborn horse was called a ‘kulun’, up to one year a foal, from a year and a half to two years a strigunok, a two-three year old foal, a third year a gunan, a three-four year old dunan, a male after four years a stallion, a female mare...

Peculiar aspects of population growth and settlement of villages of Surkhandarya region
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In the article, the number of inhabitants and settlements, its structural structure and distribution reflect natural, socio-economic, geographical factors and characteristics of the level of development of the territory. At this point, it should be noted that it is important to study population growth and its location within the framework of rural settlements. One of the most important tasks of today is to improve population employment and create new jobs based on the development of industry, various services and service sectors in rural areas. The development of rural settlements depends on deepening market reforms in the agro-economic system and increasing their efficiency. From this point of view, development of agro-industrial complex based on cotton growing, fruit growing and viticulture in Surkhandarya will give good results.

Peculiarities of the irrigation system in the Surkhan oasis during the rule of the Bukhara emirate
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In this article, the reforms implemented in the irrigation system of the Surkhan oasis during the rule of the Bukhara Emirate and its results are researched based on archival documents, sources and scientific literature.

People's liberation movement in the North Caucasus in the 30-40s of the XIX century
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After the assassination of Hamzat Bey, the second imam of Dagestan and Chechnya, the Russians carried out an expedition and clashed with a group of disciples led by Shamil, fearing that Shamil would aggravate the situation in Dagestan. The agreement reached between Shamil and his commanders, the spread of Sharia among the mountains, the unification of separate forces in the mountains of Dagestan and Chechnya, the fierce fighting between the parties, the loss of Russians during the marches, the influx of disciples to Shamil, operations against the local feudal lords who supported them, the Battle of Ahulgo, the fierce resistance of the tsarist forces trying to occupy the Caucasus, and the defeat of the tsarist troops were discussed. The fact that General Fezi was forced to retreat with heavy losses after his march to Dagestan in the summer of 1837 increased Shamil's prestige not only in mountainous Dagestan and Chechnya but also in the northern districts of Azerbaijan. At that time, he wrote letters to many communities, urging them to fight against tsarism. In the early 1960s, the complete subjugation of many mountainous peoples of the North Caucasus was completed. The freedom movement of the highlanders was defeated. It was by its very nature a national liberation movement against tsarism in order to preserve its independence. After the defeat of the movement led by Shamil, the Muslim population of the Caucasus protested against tsarism in various districts of Northern Azerbaijan. The pan-Caucasian uprisings towards the end of the Caucasus war affected the northern districts of Azerbaijan and the communities of southwestern Dagestan. The center of this uprising was the north-western region of Azerbaijan. The freedom of the Caucasian peoples in the study of the problem is to study the essence of the struggle. During the research, several archival materials were included in the scientific cycle for the first time.

Physical and social spaces interactions: rural-urban dynamics in new constructions in Kyrgyzstan
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In Kyrgyzstan’s evolving cultural landscape in post-Soviet time, rural and urban dynamics reveal a captivating story of adaptation. This study explores domestic spaces, specifically the ‘bathhouse’, ‘naves’, and toilet placement preferences in newly built houses. The traditional rural ‘bathhouse’ has ventured into urban settings, challenging established notions. Conversely, the urban ‘naves’ now thrive in remote rural areas, reflecting evolving cultural tastes. Toilet placement choices among new settlement residents exemplify the fusion of rural and urban influences, highlighting their ability to adapt rural culture to urban living. This research underscores Kyrgyzstan’s complex cultural identity, where tradition and modernity harmonize, transcending urban and rural boundaries.

Reforms in the railway system during the Second World War
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The first railway lines in the Surkhandarya oasis, the influence of railways on the cotton industry, the start of new electric locomotives in order to bring raw materials to the center as quickly as possible, and the industrial enterprises moved to the region during the Second World War were covered based on scientific literature and archival materials.

Relations of sovereign Kyrgyzstan in the economic and social spheres
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Kyrgyzstan strives to strengthen and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in all sectors of the national economy. When forming economic and social ties, the Kyrgyz Republic also primarily paid attention to the development of relations with the CIS countries, especially with Central Asia and Kazakhstan. 90’s. in the first half of the year, Kyrgyzstan’s export-import relations were Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and Belarus, followed by Kazakhstan.

Role and place of Tash-Kumyr semiconductor materials plant in regional development
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As for the construction of the Tash-Kumyr semiconductor materials plant, the best mining and metallurgical plant was associated with this plant. Semiconductor materials were used for the development of radio engineering and electrical production, and the construction of this plant in this area was one of the most important priorities of the city’s development. In the USSR, the production of semiconductor materials is not very developed. The Soviet government imported a large portion of semiconductor materials from the United States.

Russian empire works on improving the Surkhan oasis irrigation system
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The given article highlights the works of the Russian Empire done on improving the irrigation system of Surkhan oasis. There given factual information supported by archive materials and scientific literature.