Comparative analysis of the quality indicators of bread made of composite flour using ozonated water

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According to the First President of Kazakhstan, it is important to exclude any possibility of food shortages. In this regard, the primary task of the population is to create innovative technologies for the successful promotion and avoidance of food shortages. Bread is one of the most important food products in Kazakhstan. Consequently, the main task of the population of the bakery industry today is the creation of innovative technologies for functional food products. The article presents the results of an organoleptic study of the bread of innovative preparation using composite flour and ozonated water. To create a scientific basis in the production of bread "Composon", a study of organoleptic indicators was conducted. The quality of bread was assessed for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents. The use of ion-ozone technology makes it possible to reduce environmental pollution, increase the nutritional value of bakery products, as well as reduce material and energy resources. As a result of the study, it was found that the use of ionized water with composite flour affects the improvement of organoleptic indicators of product quality: the color is more uniform, the taste and smell are pronounced and fragrant, the shape of the product is rounded, the texture of the crumb with uniform porosity. Wheat bread, which was made from composite flour and using ozonated water according to the studied technology, retains the freshness of the crumb for 48 hours, has a lower possibility of infection with potato disease, and is also characterized by good organoleptic characteristics.


Bread, composite flour, the nutritional value of bread, product, premium-grade, organoleptic indicators, bread quality

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140295359   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2022-3-156-160

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