Correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents

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The article describes the conditions and methods, techniques of correction of emotional disorders of adolescents that cause violence and cruelty in the adolescent environment, in the context of personality-oriented education that affects self-actualization and socialization of the individual. The presented recommendations for correction of emotional disorders and deviant behavior of adolescents can be useful to parents, psychologists, teachers and other professionals in the process of working with this category of persons. Aims: to identify the specifics of methods and means of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis of literary sources for the study and generalization of available research on the problem of correction of emotional disorders as a means of preventing violence and cruelty of adolescents. Results. Techniques, tools and recommendations for conducting psychocorrective work with adolescents with emotional and personal disorders are proposed. Conclusion. Based on the analysis of scientists' research, some guidelines have been made in terms of determining ways and methods of correctional work with adolescents, taking into account their individual life activities, individual problems and characteristics of character and behavior.


Emotional disorders, psychocorrection, personality-oriented education, methods of pedagogical influence, prevention of violence and cruelty of adolescents

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IDR: 147239272   |   DOI: 10.14529/jpps220404

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