Determination of the nutritional and biological value of semi-smoked sausage products made from beef

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Sausage products belong to high-calorie products with their own taste and aroma and occupy a significant share in the meat products market of Kazakhstan. In the modern era, one of the most important directions in the creation of technology for meat products is to reduce the content of toxic substances in products and enrich their composition with vitamins, macro - and microelements through natural raw materials. The presented article shows the result of improving the quality indicators of finished products by adding vegetables to them in order to expand the range of semi-smoked beef sausages. Sausage products are meat products made from minced meat and heat - treated, their chemical composition and nutritional value are higher depending on the portion content, i.e. the content of complete proteins, irreplaceable polyunsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements and vitamins in the finished product the composition in the sausage recipe depends on the type and size of the portion. In the course of scientific work, it is planned to increase the nutritional and biological value of sausage by reducing the amount of nitrites and spices used in the production of sausages and adding vitamin-rich carrot juice instead. Carrot juice is a real depository of useful vitamins, micro and macroelements, and the antioxidants contained in it are able to prevent the appearance and development of malignant tumors. Especially vitamin A, which is contained in carrots, is characterized by strong antioxidant properties, it is formed from carotene, which enters our body, and it is easily absorbed through squeezed carrot juice. As a result of research, a recipe for new samples of semi-smoked sausages with the addition of carrot juice was created, a production technology was developed, and the nutritional and biological value of the resulting sausage product was determined. Carrot juice contributed to the formation of aroma, taste, color and high-quality characteristics of sausages.


Meat products, semi-smoked sausage, nitrite, carrot juice, technology, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, biological value

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140304527   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-1-143-149

Список литературы Determination of the nutritional and biological value of semi-smoked sausage products made from beef

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