Development of galette technology using pectin concentrate and whole-ground flour from cereals

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The food industry, covering industries that produce goods for consumption by the population, is a central link in ensuring food security. In this regard, high-quality, medically balanced and safe nutrition is of utmost importance. In this regard, the use of pectin substances as natural detoxifiers and whole-ground flour in the production of galets will solve the problem of meeting the needs of the population in safe food products with high nutritional and biological value. The aim of the work was to develop galettes of increased nutritional value using pectin concentrate and whole-ground flour from cereals. The article examines the effect of beetroot pectin concentrate on the quality of galettes made from a mixture of wheat and whole-ground corn, buckwheat flour. The optimal dosage of whole-ground corn flour of 15%, buckweat flour - 20.0% in the production of galets from wheat flour of the first grade, in which the quality of finished products is similar to control samples, is justified and determined. It was found that the nutritional and biological value of the developed galettes is higher than in the control samples, the products obtained meet the safety requirements of TR CU 021/2011.


Pectin concentrate, whole-ground corn flour, whole-ground buckwheat flour, galettes, quality, safety

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IDR: 140305895   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-70-77

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