Physics and astronomy. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

The incidence of conicity in the volcanic activity
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From different aspects we intend to demonstrate the incidence of the form in the different parameters of the Volcano's state, which is assumed as an exponential cone. The thermostatic, thermodynamic, chemical and optical aspects of the volcano assumed in the latter case as an ideal black body are reviewed. We conclude that the volcano is a physical-chemical device that "prepares" for an eruption, which is imminent.

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The assumption is made in this paper, firstly, that the threedimensional physical space of our Universe is a hypersphere 𝑅3 expanding isotropically with the speed of light in the fourdimensional Euclidean space 𝑅4. Secondly, it is assumed that each elementary particle with a nonzero rest mass and spin, in reality is a material helical spiral in the four-dimensional space 𝑅4, extended from the region of the «past» to the region of the «future» and intersecting the hypersphere 𝑅3 in some point which position relatively to other bodies of the Universe changes with time as a result of a shift of the hypersurface 𝑅3 along this spiral. Based on classical ideas and several additional simple assumptions physically reasonable values of parameters of this spiral are obtained, relativistic expressions known from the relativity theory for the total energy, mass and frequency of the «internal oscillating process» of a particle are derived, relativistic formula for the kinetic energy of a particle is refined, and the known relativistic relation between total energy of a particle, its rest mass and momentum of translational motion is obtained by new way, a possible physical cause of dependence of the frequency of the «internal motion» of a particle on its speed is determined, the cause for the existence of a limiting speed of motion of material bodies in the space of our Universe is explained, the correct value ℏ 2 of the projection of the particle’s spin on the «selected direction» is obtained, and sense of this direction is clarified, and the fact that relativistic effect of «time dilation» is a consequence of the spin motion of elementary particles is established.

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Alternate hypothesis for the concepts of the matter structurization is set out. The mass values of some known as well as previously unknown particles have been theoretically obtained on a basis of new results conformities to natural law. This hypothesis provides the means of indegration of world of micropartiles with cosmological concepts as dark energy and dark matter.

The unified field and interaction
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This work gives a description of the unified field which at the interaction with the matter changes its qualitative characteristics and develops the feedback: field-matter-field. The formula is derived that relates the gravitation and energy background of the system by the movement of its parts and the particle spin

The young resonance solar system
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A version of mathematical description of the young resonance Solar system is offered in this work. This corresponds to studies of ancient researchers who have treated the World in the framework of the slender whole that obeys to the laws of harmony and number. Some questions still remaining unanswered in the official astrophysics are explained. A version of stability of the Solar system during billion years is also offered. It is assumed that at end T-Taurus stage the roving planet was thrown into the Solar system between the San and Jupiter at the moment of their closest approach. As a result, it violated the limits of Roche and was torn apart into many fragments. All the bodies of the Earth Group and the belt asteroids were created from them.

To the Question of Intranuclear Forces
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It is shown that nucleons in nuclei of elements are linked NOT by nuclear forces, but by the overall flow of electromagnetic energy circulating in the volume of the nucleus. This assumption allows us to explain some properties of the intranuclear interactions and some well-known observations.

To the Theory of Perpetual Motion Holder
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The discussed experiment demonstrates the preservation of integrity in a prefabricated construction in the absence of visible fastening forces. It is shown that the experiment can be explained by the fact that a flow of electromagnetic energy appears within the construction. We are considering the conditions in which such flow of electromagnetic energy is maintained for an indefinite length of time.

Unsupported Motion Without Violating the Laws of Physics
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We are considering some speculative experiments with charges and currents, which demonstrate a breach of Newton's third law, i.e. an opportunity of unsupported movement. It is shown that these experiments do not violate the Law of momentum conservation. We describe a structure in which electric charges are driven into rotation. We show that this structure performs translational unsupported motion. We describe the mathematical model and the experimental results with a mathematical model of this structure. Some recommendations are given for the implementation of the design