Physics and astronomy. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

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It is shown, that change of image of heat and work in open systems entails necessity to revise of conditions of material equilibrium, found by Gibbs. Thus the chemical potential gives way to other potentials in conformity with conditions of unambiguity of researched processes

Analysis of Energy Processes in Searle's Generator
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The Searle's generator is treated from the point of view of energy transformation processes. On the base of experimental data and heat exchange theory, it is shown that the interaction of constant magnets with the environment may serve as an energy source. Based on this fact a detailed analysis of energy process is performed in this article, with construction of an appropriate differential equation. The methods of its solution are considered, as well as the results of working calculations of the known experimental device.

Are the electron charge and the Planck's constant really constant?
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It is shown that relativistic formulas for time dilation and for dependence of the particles mass on the velocity of their movement, on the one hand, and the quantum-mechanical expression for the energy levels of the hydrogen atom, on the other hand, do not contradict each other only if the Planck constant ℏ is a function of velocity in the form ℏ' = ℏ/(1 ‒ β2), and charges of electron and proton depend on the velocity of their motion according to the law 𝑒' = 𝑒/(1 ‒ β2)1/2. It is noted that the last equality also follows from the well-known formula for electric potential of a point charge moving with a constant velocity. An expression is proposed for the Lagrange function of a charged particle in an electromagnetic field, taking into account the above dependencies.

Comprehensive law of motion of objects in planetary type systems
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The existing laws that describe planetary motion fail to predict and explain the presence of rotational plane inclination and the angle of inclination of this plane. These laws also fail to explain planetary rotation in one plane and how planetary motion in the direction of planetary system movement affects orbital parameters. It has been found that planetary motion in the direction of planetary system motion under the effect of the star's attraction gravitational component occurs as cyclic oscillations (motion with cyclically changing speed). A planet's cyclic oscillations form the visible declination observed in the system of coordinates of the planetary system, the rotational plane inclination and the inclination angle. The results obtained demonstrate the new understanding of the mechanisms that form the orbits of planets, and show the decisive role in this process of the star's attraction gravitational component, which acts in the direction of planetary system motion. The results are new and are the complete law of motion of objects within planetary type systems.

Dynamic Interaction of Rotating Imbalanced Masses in Vacuum
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The article presents experimental research results of disk interaction, rotating closely in vacuum, which are not mechanically connected. It was ascertained that at high angular velocities interacting forces between the disks occur, resulting in disk precession and elastic deformation (surface spiral twist) during their conjoint rotation. Meanwhile, a power transfer from the rotating disk to the originally fixed disk occurs, resulting in its rotation, as well as in mutual braking and disk heating during their simultaneous rotation

Einstein, Cartan and Evans – Start of a New Age in Physics?
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Although physicists have struggled in vain for over a halfcentury to encompass all natural forces within a unified theory, chemical physicist Myron W. Evans has now succeeded. Based on the fundamental insights of Albert Einstein and Elie Cartan, Evans’ theory takes the geometry of space-time itself as the origin of all forces of Nature. As Einstein attributed gravitation to the curvature of space-time, the new theory attributes electromagnetism to the torsion or twisting of space-time. The possibility of reciprocal interactions between gravitation and electromagnetism -- which possibility is denied in current mainstream physics -- leads to predictions of new physical effects which could be used to produce power and energy from spacetime.

Experimental Clarification of Maxwell-similar Gravitation Equations
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Maxwell-similar gravitation equations and the experiments of Samokhvalov are considered. It is noted that the observed effects are so significant, that in order to explain them within the said Maxwell-similar gravitation equations these equations should be supplemented by a certain empirical coefficient that may be named gravitational permeability of the medium. Then it is shown that with such supplement the results of experiments are in good agreement with so modified gravitation equations. A crude estimate of this coefficient is given. Some corollaries of these equations are considered, in particular, the gravitational excitation of electric current, the impact of gravito-magnetic induction on the electric current. Some phenomena that can be explained with the aid of these equations are indicated. This paper is a translation of paper [14].

From Thermostatics – to the Thermokinetics
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It is shown, that all the basic equations of non-equilibrium thermodynamics can be obtained without any recourse to whatever hypotheses, postulates, statistical-mechanical considerations and equations of entropy balance

GTR and Perpetuum Mobile Rehabilitation
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First of all, the author solemnly declares that he recognizes the energy conservation law (understanding, however, that it will not help). Next we shall show that this law does not contradict the possibility of building a perpetual motion machine that uses the force of gravity. This, of course, reduces the kinetic energy of the Earth, but the author ignores this problem (in the same way as it is ignored by the designers of hydropower plants).

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At the north pole of Saturn has more than 30 years there is a giant storm in the shape of a hexagon, each side of which is greater than the diameter of Earth. This hexagon does not move on the planet, rotates and maintains its shape. This phenomenon still has no explanation. The following is a mathematical model of such a storm similar to the mathematical model of an ocean whirlpool (proposed earlier by the author). Also in the article shows that the energy source, that allows the storm to spin for a long time, is the gravitational field of Saturn.

Inconsistency Solution of Maxwell's Equations
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new solution of Maxwell equations for a vacuum, for wire with constant and alternating current, for the capacitor, for the sphere, etc. is presented. First it must be noted that the proof of the solution's uniqueness is based on the Law of energy conservation which is not observed (for instantaneous values) in the known solution. The solution offered: Describes wave in vacuum and wave in wire; Complies with the energy conservation law in each moment of time, i.e. sets constant density of electromagnetic energy flux; Reveals phase shifting between electrical and magnetic intensities; Explains existence of energy flux along the wire that is equal to the power consumed. Below is a fragment of the book.

Information transfer in biological systems by water and air
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It is shown that in molecules of water and air there can exist a bulk standing electromagnetic wave of high frequency. This wave can be modulated by the organs of the bioorganism. A wave modulated in this way can propagate through the water and air and affect the organs of another bioorganism. It is shown that such a wave propagates without energy loss. Based on this, it is shown that a highly organized structure comparable in reasonableness with the brain of an animal can exist in the air. Such a structure may be the collective brain of a community of bioorganisms.

Invertibility Principle in Faraday Unipolar Machines
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It is shown that the existence of electromagnetic momentum flow and from the law of angular momentum conservation gives an explanation of the action principle of Faraday generator

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It is shown that from the existence of electromagnetic momentum flow and from the law of momentum conservation there follows the existence of a previously unknown force. The author suggests to experimenters to verify the generation of Khmelnik force and to supplement its name by their own names

Lorentz Force, Ampere Force and Momentum Conservation Law Quantitative. Analysis and Corollaries
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It is known that Lorentz Force and Ampere force contradicts the Third Newton Law, but it does not contradict the more general Law of Momentum Conservation, as the electromagnetic field has a momentum. From this it follows that the Lorentz and Ampere forces must be balanced by the flow of electromagnetic momentum. However, as far as the author knows, there is no corresponding quantitative comparison and therefore it is discussed below. In particular, it is shown that some of the corollaries of the Momentum Conservation Law can be found.

Low-Grade Heat in Production of Electricity
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Several technical solutions of using low-grade heat for cooling heat engines of power plants are considered. The methods of computer modeling of heat and mass transfer and aerodynamics and hydrodynamics were used to calculate the efficiency coefficient for cooling circulating water of power plants for two types of evaporative cooling towers with a natural drought and different classes of configuration of water and air flows: counter flow and cross flow. The growth of the efficiency coefficient was established for natural drought towers with external heat transfer compared to conventional cooling towers where the heat transfer occurs inside the tower.

Mathematical model of a plasma crystal
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A mathematical model of the plasma crystal built using Maxwell’s equations is given.

Measurement of Force Effects During Mass-dynamic Interaction
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This article presents the results of the experimental research of rotating mass force effects in vacuum having a variable quadrupole moment on solids. During the research the values of forces and moments, exciting rotation and repulsion of solids from rotating mass were measured. The mass-dynamic force which was ascertained during our experiments was approximately 2.5…2.7 N while the value of torque was about 1 N·cm. On the grounds of experimentally ascertained force effects, we can assume that a type of interaction under the condition of the presence of a relative mass movement similar to a relative electric charge movement, plays an important role in nature

Mechanics as a Consequence of Energodynamics
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It is offered to consider classical mechanics as an equal branch of the uniform theory of transfer and transformation of any forms of energy (energodynamics) based on the principle of discernability of processes. It is shown that such approach demands correction of a number of her basic concepts and the principles. Along with it a synthesis of all three laws of Newton is undertaken: the principle of inertia - on rotary motion; the principle of force – on forces of any nature; the principle of counteraction – on the energy transformation phenomena. The unity of the nature of all forces is opened and the uniform way of their stay is offered. A theoretical conclusion of the world law of gravitation, proceeding from the heterogeneity of distribution of matter in space is given. The conclusion is drawn on a possibility of further synthesis of theoretical fundamentals of modern natural sciences.

Model of Inertia and Gravitating Mass. Mechanism of Gravitation
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It is not understanding, why physicists haven’t paid attention to the elementary solution of the question about the formation of inertia mass and elementary explanation of gravity force till now. As soon as velocity-addition formula has been received by Einstein, it has become clear that derivative of total velocity of one of velocities gives two summands. At that it was clear that there can be the situation, when additional speeds would be for some object with plus and with minus at once. In this case the result for two results of total velocity can be averaged and it would be possible to receive the summand of concrete figure instead of zero result which depends on the direction of varying velocity. This improvidence of scholars causes that last one hundred years scholars have been working meaninglessly but not for the development of science in this sphere.