Physics and astronomy. Рубрика в журнале - Доклады независимых авторов

Публикации в рубрике (49): Physics and astronomy
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Model of a photon as a soliton-like two-frequency electromagnetic wave

Model of a photon as a soliton-like two-frequency electromagnetic wave

Valeriy M. Strelchenya

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Using de Broglie's ideas a hypothesis is substantiated according to which the electromagnetic structure of a photon is determined by two periodic processes with different frequencies. An appropriate solution to the Maxwell system of equations is found that describes the field of a photon as a stable electromagnetic soliton consisting of a needle-like core and a surrounding shell. Herewith, the core surface is a single-layer winding consisting of two very narrow, parallel running and oppositely charged ribbons. Formulas for calculating parameters of photons are obtained. Examples of such calculations for photons in optical and gamma-ray spectra are given that evidence the plausibility of the proposed model. It is shown that an electromagnetic field similar to photon can be created on macroscopic scales. Suggested that it was precisely such a field that was generated in the famous experiments of N. Tesla.


More on Experimental Clarification of Maxwell-similar Gravitation Equations

More on Experimental Clarification of Maxwell-similar Gravitation Equations

Khmelnik S. I.

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This article is a revised version of the previous article [14] to reflect the new Samohvalov articles and other articles [20-23]. Thus, Maxwell-similar gravitation equations and the experiments of Samokhvalov are considered. It is noted that the observed effects are so significant, that in order to explain them within the said Maxwell-similar gravitation equations these equations should be supplemented by a certain empirical coefficient that may be named gravitational permeability of the medium. Then it is shown that with such supplement the results of experiments are in good agreement with so modified gravitation equations. A crude estimate of this coefficient is given. Some corollaries of these equations are considered, in particular, the gravitational excitation of electric current, the impact of gravito-magnetic induction on the electric current. Some phenomena that can be explained with the aid of these equations are indicated. This paper is a translation of paper [24].


New look at the relativistic particle dynamics in external field

New look at the relativistic particle dynamics in external field

Valeriy M. Strelchenya

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The assumption is made that external field effects the nature of particle’s movement not only straight by force effect but also implicitly through particle rest mass change. The concept of the local effective rest mass of a particle in an external field is introduced. The expressions Lagrange and Hamilton functions, which explicitly take into account such change, are proposed and justified. Based on these expressions the new equation of relativistic particle motion in external scalar field, new expressions for conservation laws and changes of the total particle energy and its angular momentum and a number of other relations between particle dynamic parameters are produced. It is shown that the obtained equations and relations have a number of undoubted advantages over the corresponding well-known equations and equalities of traditional relativistic physics. An explanation of the «mass defect» phenomenon is given and the physical sense of the effect is revealed. It is shown that despite the possibility of the existence of particles with negative local effective rest masses in separate limited areas of the field the proposed model does not allow particles to move at superlight speed.


New methodological principles of nonequilibrium thermodynamics

New methodological principles of nonequilibrium thermodynamics

Valery A. Etkin

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It is shown that the thermodynamic theory of speed of irreversible processes should be built on own methodological basis, but not by extrapolation of classical thermodynamics for strict frames of its initial concepts of equilibrium and reversibility. The principles of creation of such theory are offered. They are based on the systems concept, exclude application of hypotheses, postulates and model representations in the theory bases, don't resort to idealization of processes and systems in them and explicitly consider spatial non-uniformity of the researched systems


New solution of Maxwell's equations for spherical wave

New solution of Maxwell's equations for spherical wave

Solomon I. Khmelnik

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It is noted that the known solution for a spherical electromagnetic wave does not satisfy the law of conservation of energy (it is retained only on the average), the electric and magnetic intensities of the same name (by coordinates) are in phase, only one from system of Maxwell's equations is satisfied, the solution is not wave solution, there is no flow of energy with real value. A solution is offered that is free from these shortcomings.


New solution of Maxwell's equations for spherical wave in the far zone

New solution of Maxwell's equations for spherical wave in the far zone

Solomon I. Khmelnik

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It is noted that the known solution for a spherical electromagnetic wave in the far zone does not satisfy the law of conservation of energy (it is retained only on the average), the electric and magnetic intensities of the same name (in coordinate) are in phase, only one of Maxwell's equations is satisfied. A solution is offered that is free from these shortcomings.


On Synchronization of Clocks in the Inertial Coordinate Systems

On Synchronization of Clocks in the Inertial Coordinate Systems

Sergey V. Korchazhkin

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The stationary plane monochromatic wave (in the Lorentzcovariant form) was used as a universal tool for time–space metrization. A coordinate-dependent condition for synchronization of clocks in the inertial systems, which is a generalization of the standard synchronization procedure, has been obtained from the formal treatment of the Lorentz transformations. Relativity of simultaneity was treated with allowance for the generalized synchronization condition


Peltier Efect Simplified Theory

Peltier Efect Simplified Theory

Tafur Perdomo Ivan Humberto



Physics of light

Physics of light

Ruben G. Kojamanyan

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A new concept of electromagnetic radiation is exposed in the article. First of all it shall be said that the following concept is a revolutionary one. But I urge you not to start blaming it too quickly for this reason, because the very approach may lead us to vast explanations.


Principle extremum of full action

Principle extremum of full action

Solomon I. Khmelnik

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A new variational principle extremum of full action is proposed, which extends the Lagrange formalism on dissipative systems. It is shown that this principle is applicable in electrical engineering, mechanics, taking into account the friction forces. Its applicability to electrodynamics and hydrodynamics is also indicated. The proposed variational principle may be considered as a new formalism used as an universal method of physical equations derivation, and also as a method for solving these equations. The formalism consists in building a functional with a sole saddle line; the equation that describes it presents the equation with dynamic variables for a certain domain of physics. The solution method consists in a search for global saddle line for given conditions of a physical problem.


Principle extremum of full action in electrodynamic

Principle extremum of full action in electrodynamic

Solomon I. Khmelnik

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Here we are going to formulate and prove variational extremum principle for electrodynamics, asserting that there exists a functional that depends on powers. This functional always has a single extremum, and the necessary and sufficient conditions of this extremum existence are represented by Maxwell equations. This principle is realized also in the case when the system contains magnetic charges and magnetic currents. Besides, this principle is valid also if there are heat losses in the system. The method for solving the Maxwell equations system by gradient descent to extremum is indicated.


Principle of non-equilibrium processes counter directivity

Principle of non-equilibrium processes counter directivity

Valery A. Etkin

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The principle of processes сounter directivity according to which in heterogeneous systems always there are parts with opposite directivity is proved.


Quantum defect and common fractions

Quantum defect and common fractions

Oleg G. Verin



Reciprocal relations of the energy transformation processes

Reciprocal relations of the energy transformation processes

Valery A. Etkin

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Shows, that it is possible to expand the existing theory of irreversible processes to processes of useful transformation of any forms of energy by a finding of motive forces and the speeds of real processes as derivative of energy, but not entropy; that for such processes there are differential reciprocal relations with Onsager’s symmetry and Cazimir’s anti-symmetry conditions resulting from them; that Maxwell’s equations follows from these correlation, confirming their equity for a wide class of processes, satisfying to these equations.


Research of Force Effects During Mass-dynamic Interaction in Vacuum

Research of Force Effects During Mass-dynamic Interaction in Vacuum

Samokhvalov V.N.

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This article presents the results of the experimental research of rotating mass force effects in vacuum having a variable quadrupole moment on solids. During the research the values of forces, exciting repulsion of solids from rotating mass were measured.


Space-time properties and their influence on Universe modeling

Space-time properties and their influence on Universe modeling

Konstantin D. Ryndyuk

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In this article, we have to touch upon the very difficult problem in Modern Astronomy – is a distance measurement in the Universe. Lack of knowledge about the space-time properties has led to give birth such concepts like are: "the Expanding Universe", "the Big Bang", "the Dark Matter" and "the Dark Energy". The purpose of this article is a presentation "a fresh opinion" on the Universe evolution, which has appeared during the study of the early-unknown space-time properties. The conclusion, that have been received after considering this "new" space-time properties, bring us to review the correctness of such concepts as "Universe expansion", "the Big Bang", "the Dark Matter" and "the Dark Energy", which have been prevailing in the scientific community now.


Spacetime and matter as emergent phenomena, theory of Everything

Spacetime and matter as emergent phenomena, theory of Everything

Andrey N. Smirnov

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In this article, I propose radical super-deterministic non-gauge theory of emergent spacetime and matter, in which spacetime and matter are emergent properties of more fundamental entity. Properties of such more fundamental entity were analyzed, approach how to build emergent spacetime and matter with observable properties was proposed. It was shown how nondeterministic laws of quantum mechanics with gauge fields arise from super-determinism of underlying entity. The theory of emergent spacetime and matter (ESTM-theory later), as shown in the article, is compatible with special relativity, general relativity, quantum mechanics with standard model and cosmology. Quantum mechanics was reformulated in backgroundindependent form. It was shown how Heisenberg's uncertainty principle arises in super-determinism of ESTM-theory. Changes in locality are proposed. Changes in equations of general relativity are proposed in the article, same as changes to overall conceptual model of gravitation. Question is quantum gravitation exists is open mathematical question in ESTM-theory and it can be solved by more detailed analysis of equations of ESTM-theory. SU(3) symmetry was derived in ESTM-theory and it was shown what Standard model can be approximate solution of ESTMtheory. ESTM-theory unify all forces include gravitation; all forces are derived from one field.


The Nucleons Birth – is the Energy source of Stars and the Sun

The Nucleons Birth – is the Energy source of Stars and the Sun

Zhmud’ A.A.

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It is shown that the Nucleons Birth is the Energy source of Stars


The causes of the contraction in the direction of motion. Metric of Universe. The Causes of Red Shift

The causes of the contraction in the direction of motion. Metric of Universe. The Causes of Red Shift

Elkin I.A.

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Poincare and Einstein supposed that it is practically impossible to determine one-way speed of light, that’s why speed of light in different ways may differ. They also supposed that till there is no the experiment which would depend on the value of one-way speed of light, it is possible to consider that all one-way speeds of light are equal to two-way speed of light. It is offered the explanation of the experiment connected with “Red shift” with the aid of one-way speed of light, therefore it is shown the dependence on magnitude of one-way speed of light. Mechanics is set up based on the unidirectional speeds of light. For example, the experiment of Michelson-Morley is explained with the aid of this mechanics. The cause of the inception of Fitzgerald contraction is explained.


The existence and the search method for global solutions of Navier-Stokes equation

The existence and the search method for global solutions of Navier-Stokes equation

Solomon I. Khmelnik

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We formulate and prove the variational extremum principle for viscous incompressible and compressible fluid, from which principle follows that the Naviet-Stokes equations represent the extremum conditions of a certain functional. We describe the method of seeking solution for these equations, which consists in moving along the gradient to this functional extremum. We formulate the conditions of reaching this extremum, which are at the same time necessary and sufficient conditions of this functional global extremum existence. Then we consider the so-called closed systems. We prove that for them the necessary and sufficient conditions of global extremum for the named functional always exist. Accordingly, the search for global extremum is always successful, and so the unique solution of Naviet- Stokes is found. We contend that the systems described by Naviet-Stokes equations with determined boundary solutions (pressure or speed) on all the boundaries, are closed systems. We show that such type of systems include systems bounded by impenetworkrable walls, by free space under a known pressure, by movable walls under known pressure, by the socalled generating surfaces, through which the fluid flow passes with a known speed.

