Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
Thermal energy storage with phase change material
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Thermal energy storage (TES) systems provide several alternatives for efficient energy use and conservation. Phase change materials (PCMs) for TES are materials supplying thermal regulation at particular phase change temperatures by absorbing and emitting the heat of the medium. PCMs absorb energy during the heating process as phase change takes place and release energy to the environment in the phase change range during a reverse cooling process.
Threats and business prospects to the internet
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In this article the analysis advantages and threats of the electronic Commerce market and reviewed the main categories of issues of internal and external risk factors.
Thyroid gland and its main properties
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This article discusses the thyroid gland and its main properties.
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New experimental results on the structure and the element and phase composition of hybrid coatings, which were deposited on a substrate of AISI 321 stainless steel using a combination of plasma detonation, vacuum arc and subsequent high-current electron beam treatment (HCEB), are presented. We found that an increase in energy density intensified mass-transfer processes and resulted in changes in aluminum oxide phase composition (γ→α and β→α). Also we observed formation of a nano-crystal structure in Al2O3 coating.
Tibbiyot talabalarini o'qitish jarayonida tadqiqot qobiliyatlarini shakllantirish
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Tadqiqotlar tibbiyotning asosidir va tadqiqot sohasidagi yutuqlar keng aholiga ko'rsatiladigan tibbiy yordam sifatini oshirishda hal qiluvchi rol o'ynaydi. Umuman olganda tibbiyot instituti talabalari tomonidan tadqiqot qilish qobiliyatlarini rivojlantirish jarayoni tadqiqot dasturlarini o'quv dasturlari doirasida birlashtirish yoki aniq faoliyatlarni rag'batlantirish yoki aniq belgilangan rejaga qarab kurs davomida tarqatiladigan materiallar orqali amalga oshirilishi mumkin. Har qanday boshqa vakolatli shaxslar singari, tibbiyot talabalarining ham malakasini aniqlash uchun tadqiqot qobiliyatlarini baholash uchun mezon bo'lishi shart. Xulosa qilib aytish mumkinki, tibbiyot talabalariga bakalavr davrida ilmiy tadqiqot ko'nikmalarini rivojlantirish uchun etarli miqdordagi o'quv imkoniyatlari berilishi kerak. Biroq, buning uchun tadqiqot bilan bog'liq vakolatlar o'quv dasturiga kiritilishi va tadqiqot bilan bog'liq atributlarga yo'naltirilgan aniq bir keng doirani ishlab chiqilishi kerak.
Tijorat banklarida likvidlilik riskini boshqarishni takomillashtirish
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Maqolada tijorat banklarida likvidlilik riskini boshqarishning zarurligi hamda ahamiyati va ularning baholash usullari nazariy va amaliy jihatdan yoritilgan. Tijorat banklari faoliyatida likvidlilik riskini boshqarishni takomillashtirish bo‘yicha xulosa va takliflar ishlab chiqilgan va mamlakatimiz bank tizimida ularni qo‘shimcha ravishda qo‘llash bo‘yicha tavsiyalar berilgan.
Tijorat banklarida marketing mohiyati va uning o’ziga xos xususiyatlari
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Marketing tushunchasining ma’nosi va uning talabni qondirish hamda iste’molchilar bilan ishlash prinsiplari. Mamlakatimizdagi barcha tijorat banklarining faoliyatini o’rganish va marketing tadbiqlarini joriy etish bo’yichaqo’shimcha chora tadbirlar. Jahon banklari olib borgan qator innovatsion yangiliklarni respublikamizning tijorat banklariga turli maslahatlar.
Til o’rgatish metodikasida leksik birliklarning o’rni
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Ushbu maqolada til o'rgatish metodikasida leksik birliklarning o'rni haqida ma'lumotlar berilgan.
Til o’rgatish metodikasida leksik birliklarning o’rni
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Ushbu maqolada til o'rgatish metodikasida leksik birliklarning o'rni haqida ma'lumotlar berilgan.
Timely analysis of specific changes in children born with heart failure and down syndrome
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The paper presents the picture of Down syndrome in children with this condition and the information a nurse needs to be aware of while taking care of these children and the advice given during her conversation with their parents.
Titan qotishmali detallarning yuqori sifatli yuzasini tayyorlash texnonologiyasini ishlab chiqish
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Titan qotishmalaridan detallarning yuqori sifatli yuzasini tayyorlash texnonologiyasini ishlab chiqish; ishlov berilayotgan yuzani dastlabki deformatsiyalash bilan mahalliy xilma-xil tuzilmalar hosil qilib, yuza g’adir-budirligi vashakl parametrlarining berilgan ko’rsatkichlarini ta’minlovchi texnologiyani ishlab chiqish.
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This article provides information on the theoretical foundations of the formation of musical abilities of students through the use of multimedia programs in preschool education. It also describes the conditions for organizing a music club in a preschool.
To develop students' skills in solving logic problems in physics
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This article notes that the development of the logical doctrine in Central Asia had a direct impact on the formation of the worldview of Farabi, Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Beruni and other progressive thinkers. The importance of using logic in physics lessons is shown, given the fact that in recent years logic has not been used enough in education in the formation of the scientific and intellectual worldview of students, quick thinking and mental abilities of students.
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Depending on the specifics of their work, medical workers may be exposed to a variety of harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the production environment and the labor process. The method of information analysis of documents from open sources, including: analytical reports of relevant ministries, research data, regulatory documents, allows to systematize the factors of injury and occupational morbidity of medical personnel.
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Intrauterine infections (IUI) are a group of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the fetus and newborn caused by various pathogens, in which the infection of the fetus occurred during the ante - or intranatal period. The term "intrauterine infection" when used in clinical practice as a diagnosis should be specified not only by the etiology, but also by the period of infection, the features of the lesion of certain internal organs.
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The article indicates the degree of evidence of the effectiveness of the use of specific psychotherapeutic methods and the strength of recommendations. Modern approaches to psychotherapy of neurotic anxiety disorders (anxiety-phobic, panic and generalized anxiety disorders) based on the study of evidence-based studies are considered.
To make fure rows into practice
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This article gives information about and deals with Fransua-Marie Charles Fure, Fure conversion (ℱ), Fure coefficients and series, performing examples accordingly, double function and odd function in Fure series.
To questions of methodology for determining the essence and tasks of tax budgeting
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The article discusses the issues of methodology for determining the essence and objectives of tax budgeting, in accordance with which the directions are identified in which the state can actively influence the process of supporting healthy competition in the economy. Considerable attention is paid to the formation of a modern and effective system of the organization's tax budget.
To study the effect of seed storage methods on fiber and seed quality
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This article aims to develop recommendations for the development of effective storage regimes for harvested cotton without compromising fiber and seed quality.
To study the effect of the drug cruise extra on root cuttings
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In this article Cruise Extra Orginal 362 g / l c.s., (thiamethoxam 350 g / l + mefenoxam 3.34 g / l + fludioxonil 8.34 g / l) The results of the application are presented in order to increase.