Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум

Все статьи: 34560

Characteristics of formation and development of roads in Uzbekistan

Characteristics of formation and development of roads in Uzbekistan

Isayev A.A.

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The article describes the formation of roads in Uzbekistan, the level of road coverage in the regions, regional structure, and changes in the geography of the road network.


Characteristics of irrigated graphy meadow soils and estimation of their fertility

Characteristics of irrigated graphy meadow soils and estimation of their fertility

Shohobidinov A.Z.

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The territory of Khavas district is a region of light gray soils. The eastern group of rivers has a high distribution, the outer part of which consists of alluvial-proluvial deposits, irrigated light gray, gray-meadow, meadow-gray, meadow, meadow-swamp soils. In this regard, heavy, medium, light sandy soils of different mechanical composition are encountered


Characteristics of psycho correctional activity

Characteristics of psycho correctional activity

Primova D.X.

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The increase of applied psychology in the education system, psychological support of educational work is connected with the need to humanize Uzbek education. In the context of the changing paradigm of the pedagogical process, appeal to the personality of youngsters, their individuality, it is necessary to develop professional methods of psychological support for a growing and improving personality. When organizing psychological services in the field of education and upbringing of young people, it becomes necessary to train professional pedagogical psychologists.


Characteristics of real estate taxation in foreign countries

Characteristics of real estate taxation in foreign countries

Абдибаева Т., Назаров А.К.

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Мақолада хорижий мамлакатларда кўчмас мулкни солиққа тортишнинг ҳозирги ҳолати ва ўзига хос хусусиятлари, солиқ солиқ тизимлари, солиқларнинг турлари ва тузилиши ставкалари йиғиш усуллари, ҳамда кўчмас мулкни солиққа тортишнинг хорижий тажрибаси ёритиб берилган. Мамлакатимиздаги кўчмас мулк юридик шахсларнинг мол-мулкига солинадиган солиқ солиқ солиш обьектлари тўғрисида кўрсаткичлар тахлил қилинган ва хориж тажрибасини таъқиқ қилиш асносида таклиф ва тавсиялар ишлаб чиқилди. Кўчмас мулк обьектларини солиққа тортишда хориж тажрибаси асосида кўчмас мулкнинг кадастр қийматини аниқлаш, уларнинг бозор баҳосига асосланган ҳолда аниқлаш бўйича таклиф ва тавсиялар берилган.


Characteristics of romantic epics in the Uzbek people's epic

Characteristics of romantic epics in the Uzbek people's epic

Izzatullayeva N.J.

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This article discusses the role and peculiarities of romantic epics in the Uzbek folk epic. However, in such cases Ergash Jumanbulbul oglu, Fozil Yuldosh oglu, Muhammadqul Jomrot oglu Polkan, Islam Nazar oglu, Kholyor Abdukarim oglu , Nurmon Abduvoy ogli, Mardonaqul baxshi poet, etc.


Characteristics of sleeping drugs of drug type

Characteristics of sleeping drugs of drug type

Turgunov M.A.

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This article discusses the properties of narcotics, epilepsy, the positive and negative effects of antiepileptic drugs used in general seizures.


Characteristics, diseases and diagnosis of iron metabolism-hemosiderin

Characteristics, diseases and diagnosis of iron metabolism-hemosiderin

Qodirov R.Sh.

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This article provides information on the properties of iron metabolism-hemosiderin, diseases and diagnostics.


Characterization different methods of approximation and interpolation and their implementation in MathCAD and MATLAB

Characterization different methods of approximation and interpolation and their implementation in MathCAD and MATLAB

Qiryigitov B.A.

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Computer modeling, as a type of technology, is currently one of the most important factors in accelerating scientific and technological progress. Today it is almost impossible to do design and calculation by hand.


Chemical composition and structure of bitumens

Chemical composition and structure of bitumens

Habibullayev A.H., Muhammadjanov A.O., Khamidov A.K., Madaminova D.D.

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In this article, we can focus on the general structure of bitumen, given the rapid development of the road construction industry today. A number of properties are discussed. Due to the shortage of bitumen in the road sector, a number of measures are being taken today, mainly to convert the internal roads to cement concrete paving.


Chemical terminology and its pluses

Chemical terminology and its pluses

Xusanova M.M.

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This article is devoted to the structural-semantic description of chemical terminology based on the material of a standard chemical dictionary. The study covers the basic body of chemical terms. The subject of the study is the formal and informative structure of this dictionary, the basic and derivative cases of chemical terms.


Chemistry teaching method in higher educational institution

Chemistry teaching method in higher educational institution

Makhammatova S.

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This article discusses some problems of teaching chemistry at a university.


Children and teenagers hygiene

Children and teenagers hygiene

Mamajonova M.M.

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In this article discusses about children and teenagers hygiene and its importance of their life. In the article gives some useful and important information about hygiene


Children with development problems music education and correction rhythmic

Children with development problems music education and correction rhythmic

Umarova A.I.

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The article is about the effectiveness of the science of rhythm in conducting correctional work with children with disabilities and the basics of the formation of corrective rhythm as a science.


Children's music as a part of musical culture

Children's music as a part of musical culture

Ibroximjonova G.A.

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This article discusses children's music as part of a musical culture


Chilonjiyda haqida umumiy ma’lumot, tarkibi, xalq tabobatida qo’llanilishi, xususiyatlari va ularning har xil turlari, o’stirish uchun sharoit

Chilonjiyda haqida umumiy ma’lumot, tarkibi, xalq tabobatida qo’llanilishi, xususiyatlari va ularning har xil turlari, o’stirish uchun sharoit

Qo’yliyeva M.U., Ernazarova M., Usmonova M., Imomova Yu.

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Chilonjiyda o’simligidan tayyorlangan turli preparat va damlamalarning inson organizmidagi har xil kasalliklarning oldini olish,ularning qo’llanilish va ta’sirini o’rganish.


Chiziqli dasturlash masalalarini yechishning avtomatlashtirilgan usullari

Chiziqli dasturlash masalalarini yechishning avtomatlashtirilgan usullari

Xaydarova S.

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Ushbu maqolada chiziqli dasturlash masalalarini yechishdaSimplexwin va Optimal 2 dasturlaridan foydalanish masalalari ko’rib chiqilgan.


Chizma geometriya fanini o‘qitishda professor o‘qituvchilarning pedogik maxoratini shaklantirish

Chizma geometriya fanini o‘qitishda professor o‘qituvchilarning pedogik maxoratini shaklantirish

Akhrorkhonov R.A., Sadikov N.I.

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Maqolada Chizma geometriya fanini o’qitishda talabalarga berilayotgan ta’limni talabalar ongida shakllantirishdagi bir qancha qiyinchiliklarni bartaraf etish yo’llari ko’rib chiqilgan.


Chizma geometriya va muhandislik grafikasi dars mashg‘ulotlarida test sinovlarini o‘tkazish talablari

Chizma geometriya va muhandislik grafikasi dars mashg‘ulotlarida test sinovlarini o‘tkazish talablari

Toxirov I.X., Toshqoziyeva Z.E.

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Maqolada “Chizma geometriya va muhandislik grafikasi ” fanlaridan talabalar mustaqil bilim olishlari uchun test topshiriqlarini tuzish, tashkil etish, talabalarning test topshiriqlari bilan baholash hamda bilim, ko’nikma, malakalarini shakillantirishda mavjud muammolar hamda ularning yechimlari va nazariy asoslari yoritilgan.


Chizma geometriya va muhandislik grafikasi darslarida talabalarni test topshiriqlarini tayyorlash va test sinovlarini o‘tkazish talablari

Chizma geometriya va muhandislik grafikasi darslarida talabalarni test topshiriqlarini tayyorlash va test sinovlarini o‘tkazish talablari

Toxirov I.X., Srojidinov J.R.

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Maqolada “Chizma geometriya va muhandislik” darslarida talabalarga test topshiriqlarini tuzish, tashkil etish, talabalar bilimlarni tekshirish, ko’nikma, malakalarini shakillantirishda mavjud muammolar hamda ularning yechimlari va nazariy asoslari yoritilgan.


Chizmachilik va chizma geometriya fanlarini o’qitish orqali o’quvchilarni grafik savodxonligni oshrish

Chizmachilik va chizma geometriya fanlarini o’qitish orqali o’quvchilarni grafik savodxonligni oshrish

Bekqulov Q.Sh.

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Bizning maqolada chizmachilik va chizma geometriya fanlari orqali o’quvchilarni fanga bo’lgan qiziqishlarini oshirish uchun turli masalalar keltirilgan. Shunindek lotin alifbosidagi harflar orqali masalalarni mustaqil ishlashlari uchun namunalar ko’rsatib o‘tilgan.

