Статьи журнала - Экономика и социум
Все статьи: 34560
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The article describes in detail the causes of geo-ecological problems in the Zarafshan oasis, the measures to be taken to eliminate them, the causes of the ecological situation affecting human health in the oasis and ways to stabilize them. Measures, proposals and recommendations have been identified.
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Mа’lumki, mаfkurаviy immunitеt - shахs, ijtimоiy guruh, millаt, jаmiyatni turli zаrаrli g’оyaviy tа’sirlаrdаn himоyalаshgа хizmаt qiluvchi tizimdir. Milliy o’zlikni аnglаsh esа jаmiyatdа infоrmаtsiоn tаhdidlаrgа qаrshi kurаshishdа muhim оmillаrdаn biri hisоblаnаdi. Ushbu mаqоlаdа bаrkаmоl аvlоdni vоyagа yеtkаzishdа infоrmаtsiоn vа intеllеktuаl mаdаniyatni shаkllаntirishning muhim jihаtlаri ilmiy jihаtdаn yoritilgаn. Shu bilаn birgаlikdа infоrmаtsiоn tаhdidlаrgа qаrshi kurаshishdа mаfkurаviy immunitеtni shаkllаntirish mаsаlаsi tаdqiq etilgаn.
CMS platformalaridan foydalanib ta’limiy resurslarni yaratish
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Maqolada ta’lim resurslarini yaratishda boshqarish tizimlariga asoslangan tarkib muhokama qilinadi. CMS platformalarining xususiyatlari, imkoniyatlari va kamchiliklari aytib o‘tiladi.
COVID-19 - хорошо или плохо для мировой экономики?
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В данной статье описываются последствия пандемии не только внутри одной страны, но и во всем мире. Существует множество причин, по которым можно сделать вывод, что люди не были готовы к такому. Нынешняя ситуация и как мы справляемся.
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Bu tadqiqot O’zbekistonda pandemiya cheklovlari qayta kuchaytirilgandan keyin institut talabalaring xatti-harakatlari va tushunchalarini ifodalovchi yangi ma’lumotlarni o’z ichiga oladi. So’rovnoma talabalarning kundalik hayotdagi qiyin sharoitlarda muhim qarorlar qabul qila olishi shuningdek yaqin kelajakda rejalashtiriladigan sayohatlarda sog’lik qanchalik muhimligini ko’rsatib beruvchi miqdoriy hamda sifatlovchi ma’lumotlarga asoslanadi. Ma’lumotlar to’plamini internet platformalari orqali olingan 66 ta javoblar tashkil qiladi. Bu maqola tasvirlovchi statistika ma’lumotlaridan tashqari kelajakdagi izlanishlarga yordam berishi mumkin bo’lgan taqqoslovchi tahlillarini ham o’z ichiga oladi. Maqolaning maqsadi ommaviy salomatlikning tanglik holati xusuan Covid-19 pandemiyasi davrida talabalar xatti-harakatlari va tushunchalarining qanday qilib o’zgarishi mumkinligi haqidagi bilimlarni oshirishni o’z ichiga oladi.
COVID-19 ta'siri natijasida gepatobiliar tizimdagi klinik o’zgarishlar
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Koronaviruslar (Coronaviridae) - RNK-saqlovchi viruslarning katta oilasi bo‘lib, xayvonlarni (ularning tabiiy xujaylarini), hamda odamlarni infitsirlash xususiyatiga ega. Serologik va filogenetik tahlil natijalari asosida koronaviruslar turtta oilaga bo‘linadi: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus va Deltacoronavirus. Odamlarda koronaviruslar qator kasalliklarni keltirib chiqarishi mumkin - o‘tkir respirator infeksiyaning (ORVI) yengil shakillaridan og‘ir o‘tkir respirator sindromgacha (TORS ili SARS). Hozirgi davrda aholi orasida to‘rtta mavsumiy koronavirus (HCoV-229E, -0C43, -NL63 va HKU1) tarqalganligi ma’lum bo‘lib, bu viruslar yil davomida ORVI tuzilmasida kuzatiladi, hamda odatda yuqori nafas olish yo‘llarining yengil va o‘rta darajadagi shikastlanishlarini keltirib chiqaradi, shuningdek ikkita yuqori patogen koronavirus - yaqin sharq respirator sindrom virusi (MERS) va yangi koronavirus infeksiyasi COVID-19 mavjud
COVID-19 как фактор профессионального выгорания педагогов высшей школы
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В статье представлены данные о профессиональном выгорании педагогов высших учебных заведений. Исследование проводилось в период дистанционного обучения. В результате были получены данные о проявлениях выгорания у педагогов высшей школы. Кроме того, были выявлены связи уровня выгорания с уровнем самооценки и особенностями уверенности педагогов.
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В современных условиях автоматизация бизнес-процессов является практически основной задачей для любого предприятия. С помощью CRM-систем компании могут эффективно распределять свои силы, опираясь на аналитические данные, собранные с клиентов.
Calcium is the most important bioelement and the biological role of calcium
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This article describes the calcium bioelement, its biological role in the body and toxicity.
Calculation features in the grain production process
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The grain production holds the biggest share in the total agricultural produce in Bulgaria. The main purpose of the article is to show the ways to calculate the prime cost in the grain produce. In order with that, the article presents the well known methods in the Bulgarian accounting literature for calculating the real prime cost of the main grain crops.
Capitalization as an indicator of corporation’s effective development
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The essence of any business is that the main purpose of its creation and existence is to maximize profits. However, it is obvious that the company's development in the long term also requires production of other tasks. The importance of growth of the cost of the company's capitalization, as well as the effectiveness of the existing mechanisms in the organization is increasing.
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This article discusses the basic requirements for automotive alternators and the principles of generator operation.
Cardiac disorders in patients chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver
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Currently, the parameters of myocardial deformity (strain and strain rate) are widely studied for the analysis of left ventricular contractility and the detection of subclinical changes in the myocardium in LV hypertrophy, as well as for the differential diagnosis of physiological and pathological LV hypertrophy. Meanwhile, there are practically no studies of the parameters of myocardial deformity to assess the contractility of the left ventricle in patients with chronic viral hepatitis (CVI) and viral cirrhosis of the liver (VCP) in the literature.
Cardiac disorders in patients chronic viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver
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Currently, the parameters of myocardial deformity (strain and strain rate) are widely studied for the analysis of left ventricular contractility and the detection of subclinical changes in the myocardium in LV hypertrophy, as well as for the differential diagnosis of physiological and pathological LV hypertrophy. Meanwhile, there are practically no studies of the parameters of myocardial deformity to assess the contractility of the left ventricle in patients with chronic viral hepatitis (CVI) and viral cirrhosis of the liver (VCP) in the literature.
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In this article we will talk about resuscitation in cardiac arrest. With sudden cardiac arrest and respiratory interruption, the vital activity of the body is disrupted, a state of clinical death develops. Emergency care and the beginning of resuscitation measures allow you to restore breathing, blood circulation, heartbeat and oxygenation of the body. First aid consists of checking consciousness, breathing, calling an ambulance, conducting cardiopulmonary resuscitation, consisting of indirect massage and artificial lung ventilation (ventilator).
Cardiotoxicity of chemotherapy and its early detection
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Oncopathology is a serious public health problem both in our country and in other countries of the world. So, if you look at the statistics, we will see an increase in the incidence of malignant neoplasms. Chemotherapy is one of the components of treatment that can reduce the mortality of patients, which, in turn, causes a number of complications. Most of the toxicities associated with cytostatics are associated with rapidly proliferating cell systems, but cells with limited regenerative capacity (cardiomyocytes) may be susceptible to the transient effects of chemotherapeutic agents.
Career perceptions of undergraduate tourism students: a case study in Uzbekistan
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The aspects of tourism employment and careers have been broadly documented. Although the tourism industry's improvement can generate new job opportunities, it is often scrutinized for providing essentially low-skilled and low-paying jobs. If today's students are to become influential practitioners of tomorrow, it is fundamental to realize their employment attitudes. This paper concentrates on an example of 48 Uzbek students studying tourism at the university level to analyze their careers perceptions. The outcomes pointed out that, overall, the respondents’ perceptions are positive. The verdicts also symbolized that: eagerness to study tourism, willingness to work in tourism after graduation, and professional experience; are required factors forming their vision of tourism careers.
Case study method in teaching and developing English language
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This article focuses on the advantages of observing case study method in teaching foreign language and developing academic skills in reading,writing,speaking,listening and making presentations.
Category of principles of language learning and teaching
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We commonly attribute students’ success to their widely observed tendency to acquire language subconsciously, that is, without overtly analyzing the forms of language themselves. Through an inductive progress of exposure to language input and opportunity to experiment with output, they appear to learn languages without “thinking” about them. This childlike, subconscious processing is similar to automatic processing with peripheral attention to language forms. That is, in order simply to manage the incredible complexity of language - the vast numbers of bits information- both adults and students must sooner or later move away from processing language unit, piece, focusing closely on each, and “graduate” to a form of high- speed, automatic processing in which language forms (affixes, words, word-order, rules etc.) are only on the periphery of attention.
Causes and content of the conquest of the Khiva khanate by Russia
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This article discusses the causes and content of the conquest of the Khiva khanate during the war of the Russian Empire which caused a deep political and economic crisis prevailed in Bukhara and Kokand khanates.