English terminology in molecular biology

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There are two important scientific events which happened in the late 60s of the XIX century and influenced modern biological science. Then 34-old Padre G. Mendel began his experimental series, revealing how ancestral traits are passed to off-springs and F. Miescher for the first time extracted DNA from leukocyte nucleus. Since then we needed at least over a hundred years to accept that DNA is the substrate of inheritance. 1953 became a turning point for molecular biology and genetics era. Pioneer researches which shed light on the fundamental principles of storing, reproducing and implementing genetic information caused conceptual breakthroughs, such as the double helix, genetic code, gene structure and molecular mechanisms of protein biosynthesis. The quintessence of the derived factual material led to triumph in molecular biology and molecular genetics in 2003, when the human genome sequence was revealed. All of these accomplishments gave rise to new terms of English origin, which were then widely used in Russian scientific publications causing major interest in Russian linguistics. It is well known that some ancient languages, such as Latin and Greek largely contributed to science having coined new terms and measurement units. The relicts in form of Latinisms and words of Greek etymology are widely used in professional terminology and every day communication. The aim of this paper is to overview Anglicisms and to discuss etymology and some semantic features of these terms, revealing how often some essential terms of English origin are used in Russian molecular biology publications.


Molecular biology, molecular genetics, gene, genome, genetic information, transcriptome, terminology, linguistics, english language

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/170190619

IDR: 170190619   |   DOI: 10.24411/2500-1000-2019-11290

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