Ensuring the safety in the production of fermented milk products with enterosorbing dietary fibers

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The current trend of health-conscious consumers and healthy eating habits is encouraging researchers to explore the development of food products with synbiotic benefits. Dietary fiber in vegetables, fruits and cereals is one of the promising prebiotics and its use in supplementing dairy product formulations. However, the important point is to produce safe products according to the current standards of the country of production and sale. This article identifies critical control points and conducts a metrological study of quality control at each stage in the production of a new fermented milk product with the addition of enterosorbing dietary fibers. The study identified potential and five critical control points and presented an optimized scheme with factors that ensure the safety and quality of the final product.


Enterosorbing dietary fiber, critical control point, fermented milk, safety

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/140304548

IDR: 140304548   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-1-81-86

Список литературы Ensuring the safety in the production of fermented milk products with enterosorbing dietary fibers

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