Improvement of the technology of manufacturing clothes of law enforcement agencies

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Special requirements are imposed on the uniform of a serviceman due to the specific use in different conditions. Special attention is paid to the comfort of wearing, the quality of materials and construction of clothing, hygienic and tactical and technical properties. When designing thermal protective clothing, it must be borne in mind that its thermal resistance must ultimately be assessed by the cumulative insulating effect of the finished structure. This scientific article attempts an in-depth analysis of the study of the problem of choosing the best range of materials necessary for the manufacture of uniforms intended for use in law enforcement agencies. The purpose of this study is to carefully determine the optimal combination of materials that is guaranteed to ensure a high standard of quality, durability and functionality of the uniform, as well as compliance with its requirements for modern service conditions. The article analyzes various aspects that affect the choice of materials, including their strength, comfort, protective properties and aesthetic aspect. The obtained research results, in turn, are aimed at improving the process of developing and manufacturing uniforms for law enforcement agencies, which, ultimately, will lead to an increase in the level of comfort and safety for its future wearers.


Structures, research and selection of material package, material characteristics, thermal insulation properties of clothing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305886   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-190-196

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