Технология текстиля и одежды, дизайн. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Алматинского технологического университета

A comprehensive method of soaking sheepskins with sulfurization
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Soaking is the first and one of the most important preparatory operations in fur dressing. Soaking determines the successful completion of subsequent technological processes. The purpose of soaking is to bring the skin into a state close to paired state in terms of the amount and uniformity of moisture distribution in the leather tissue and hair. This makes it important to find the optimal soaking recipe. The classic soaking method leads to damage to the structure of the dermis, due to which the structure of the soaked dermis differs from the structure of the dermis in the paired state. To solve this problem, it is necessary to find an innovative soaking method that both meets soaking standards and preserves the structure of the dermis close to the paired state. This article discusses a comprehensive method for soaking sheepskins with sulfurization. An experiment was conducted with 4 batches preserved using different preservation methods. These batches were soaked using our suggested recipe, using sodium sulfate and sulfuric acid. As a result of the interaction of sodium sulfate with sulfuric acid, sulfur is formed, which interacts with the functional groups of collagen. This interaction is one of the ways to sulfurize the semi-finished product. In addition, the resulting sulfur affects not only the soaking process, but also subsequent processes, causing synergy in the technological process chain. Analysis of the process results allows us to conclude that this soaking method complies with established standards. Since the watering of the raw material in each of the preservation methods is above 65%, as well as the indicators of the structure of the dermis, soaked with sulfur, are close to the indicators of the structure of the dermis in the paired state.

Development and study of the ski package of clothes with improved operation properties
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The article is devoted to methods of determination of physical - mechanical properties of membrane materials, nonwoven insulators and clothing package in general. The standard known methods and methods of research are described, as well as the influence of operational and production factors on the structure and properties of membrane tissues that form packs of clothing materials. The physical and mechanical properties of membrane tissues to abrasion in the plane have been investigated, tensile to fracture, elongation, indestructibility, vapour permeability, water resistance, thermal conductivity, breathability. The article presents a reasonable selection and characterization of research objects, materials that form packs of heat-resistant clothing: top tissues - membrane fabrics, insulation - nonwoven volumetric insulation, lining and auxiliary materials and developed packages of heat-proof clothing.

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The aim of the study is to obtain a non-woven material with flame retardant properties. The conditions of the process of fire-retardant finishing were as follows: an aqueous solution of preparations of various concentrations was applied by spraying onto the surface of the material, then drying was carried out and heat treatment on a thermal press. According to GOST R 50810-95, non-woven material made from flax and wool fibers, treated with a composition based on an aqueous solution of sodium phosphate and guanidine hydrochloride, is classified as a flame-retardant material. Also, tests for toxic and skin-irritating effects of non-woven material treated with the proposed composition showed its safety for human health.

Development of size range of shoes for young men of Zhambyl region
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The work has developed a size and full range of shoes for young men in the Zhambyl region. The measurement data of the feet of teenagers in the Zhambyl region were used to calculate the size range of shoes. The calculation of the structure of the size range of footwear for teenagers was based on the assumption that the normal distribution law accurately described the random variability of foot lengths. The results of calculations of a rational size range of shoes are described in detail and given in the tables. The structure of the size assortment of shoes was determined based on anthropometric studies of the shape and size of the feet of the teenagers and the results of the analysis of the distribution of the length of the feet. In this way, the average shoe size is 275 mm for young men in the Zhambyl region. It was revealed that 14 % of the young men required shoes in size 260, and the remaining 5 % of the young men had a foot size of 290mm. The measurements obtained in the study will make it possible to design shoes corresponding to the feet of teenagers for various purposes. The result of this study will be to provide teenagers in Kazakhstan with comfortable and fit shoes that correspond to non-standard feet, while preventing the appearance of various pathologies, thereby preserving the health of the younger generation.

Development of technology for nonwovens with antimicrobial properties
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The article presents data on the development of nonwovens with antimicrobial properties using anavidin, polyethylene glycol and copper sulfate. The production of nonwovens is booming all over the world. In terms of their properties, nonwovens successfully compete with fabrics and replace them, and in some properties they are superior to traditional textile materials. For the production of non-woven fabrics, more than half is still accounted for by natural fibers: cotton, wool and linen fibers, waste from the processing of natural fibers, regenerated fibers. In this work, the goal is to obtain nonwovens with antimicrobial properties. Technologies have been developed that give nonwovens stable antimicrobial properties. The physicochemical properties and mechanism of interaction of the applied components have been investigated. The optimal technological parameters for the production of antimicrobial nonwovens have been determined. The development of a new technology of nonwovens with improved physical, mechanical and functional properties will help to apply nonwovens in medicine and other areas that require bacteriostatic, bactericidal and fungicidal properties of textile materials. Therefore, in order to obtain nonwovens that would meet all the requirements of domestic and foreign enterprises, it is advisable to modify both fibers and impregnating compositions.

Development of the methods of finishing non-woven fabric with brass nanoparticles
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Studies have been conducted on the process of obtaining brass nanoparticles by means of reduction with environmentally friendly preparations in order to give biocidal properties to non-woven fabric. The aim of the study is to modify a non-woven material using silver nanoparticles to give it biocidal properties. The effective composite preparation developed for biocidal finishing of textile materials is relatively inexpensive, environmentally and toxicologically safe. Its application opens up prospects for manufacturing a wide range of competitive, environmentally friendly, bio-resistant textile materials for various purposes. Process conditions of antibacterial finishing of textile materials were the followings: an aqueous solution with brass nanoparticles was sprayed onto the surface of a non-woven fabric, then dried and heat treated at 180 °C on a thermal press. To study the biocidal activeness of heat-treated material, a microbiological investigation was carried out. Non-woven fabric processed on the basis of brass nanoparticles obtains pronounced antifungal activeness in terms of investigating C.albicansATCC 2091 and C.albicansATCC 10231 test strains. Also, experiments on toxic and skin-irritating effects of non-woven material processed by the proposed method showed its safety for human health. The developed product based on silver nanoparticles provides high indicators of bio-resistance of textile material and meets the environmental requirements for textile auxiliary substances. In the production of nonwovens, processing with this composition can be combined with the emulsification of a mixture of fibers, or carried out after the formation of the canvas with subsequent heat treatment and calendering.

Estimation of ergonomic indicators of special purpose clothing for patients with thermal injuries
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This article discusses the determination of the optimal design allowances for a full factorial experiment in the development of special-purpose clothing for patients with thermal injuries in a hospital. To assess the ergonomic performance of special-purpose clothing, was used of pressure exerted by clothing on the human body. Based on the results of the study, a mathematical model was developed based on a full factorial experiment. In accordance with the presented mathematical models, the minimum values of contact pressures are obtained for the following values of construction parameters: for a cut with a sewn-in sleeve Warmhole = 15 cm, Ifa = 5,0 cm, Ic = 9 cm, Hse = 10 cm; for a cut with a raglan sleeve Warmhole = 15 cm, Ifa = 6 cm, Ic = 10 cm; for a cut with a one-piece sleeve Warmhole = 16 cm, Ifa = 6 cm, Ic = 11 cm.

Evelopment of sets of special clothing for cancer patiens
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This article discusses the features of materials and manufactured textiles with antibacterial impregnation, contributing to the rehabilitation of patients with cancer. In addition, the results of the study of antibacterial materials for the main physical and mechanical properties are presented. Sets of clothing are proposed to improve the general state of immunity during treatment, taking into account the results of the analysis of personal data, as well as the opinions of respondents-patients and doctors. The practical significance of the study lies in the use of innovative materials with antibacterial properties intended for the development of specialized clothing for cancer patients with functional and decorative details.

Image design for Kazakhstan children’s sports uniform
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The relevance of the research topic lies in the popularization of Kazakhstani children's sports team’s image in the world as a significant part of human capital by means of uniform design. The purpose of the study is theoretical and methodological substantiation of Kazakhstani children's sports uniform design identity. The scientific novelty of the research lies in conducting an interdisciplinary theoretical analysis of the structural components of children's sports team’s image in Kazakhstan. The research methodology is based on Kazakh and foreign scientists' works in the field of pedagogy, psychology, analytical psychology, personal development, motivation, acmeology, epistemology, brand building, semantics, cultural studies, cultural anthropology, ethnography and costume studies. The study’s results made it possible to identify the mechanisms to form the value bases of the image for young athletes’ uniforms in Kazakhstan. An interdisciplinary, theoretical, and methodological analysis of children's sports uniform design made in this research will contribute to the popularization of Kazakhstan's young athletes’ image in the world. The practical significance of the research is based on the studying Mimioriki brand’s contribution to creating the image of Kazakhstan uniforms for the children's sports team.

Improvement of the technology of manufacturing clothes of law enforcement agencies
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Special requirements are imposed on the uniform of a serviceman due to the specific use in different conditions. Special attention is paid to the comfort of wearing, the quality of materials and construction of clothing, hygienic and tactical and technical properties. When designing thermal protective clothing, it must be borne in mind that its thermal resistance must ultimately be assessed by the cumulative insulating effect of the finished structure. This scientific article attempts an in-depth analysis of the study of the problem of choosing the best range of materials necessary for the manufacture of uniforms intended for use in law enforcement agencies. The purpose of this study is to carefully determine the optimal combination of materials that is guaranteed to ensure a high standard of quality, durability and functionality of the uniform, as well as compliance with its requirements for modern service conditions. The article analyzes various aspects that affect the choice of materials, including their strength, comfort, protective properties and aesthetic aspect. The obtained research results, in turn, are aimed at improving the process of developing and manufacturing uniforms for law enforcement agencies, which, ultimately, will lead to an increase in the level of comfort and safety for its future wearers.

Investigation of the properties of materials for ground service uniform and the test result
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The article discusses the results of testing various types of fabrics in order to confirm the compliance of textile products with established requirements. A set of checks for this category of goods is carried out taking into account the provisions of TR TS 017/2011 "On the safety of light industry goods", as well as current national standards. The relevance of the work is due to the fact that at the moment ensuring dynamic compliance with the designs of existing uniforms of ground employees does not correspond to the conditions of its operation, is also one of the priorities for the tasks set when designing a uniform for ground service supervisors. On the basis of a laboratory physical and mechanical test: the main factors that have a negative impact on workers and uniforms have been identified and systematized; also on their basis, the requirements for the design of uniforms for ground handling supervisors were identified.

Production of cellulosic textile materials with antimicrobial properties
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This article presents data on the development of cellulose textile materials with antimicrobial properties using zinc acetate and alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride. Cellulose textile materials are promising carriers of antimicrobial agents. These fabrics have good absorbability, which facilitates their treatment with antimicrobial agents and ensures easy passage and retention of flow and wound compartments. The aim of this work is to obtain cellulose textile materials with antimicrobial properties. Studies on the effect of the proposed compositions on the coefficient of resistance to microbiological destruction of cellulose textile materials have been carried out. The effect of various antimicrobial preparations on the microbiological resistance of textiles has been studied. The properties and structure of the objects of research, as well as the mechanism of interaction of the applied components have been studied. The studies have shown that the modified cellulose textile materials acquire antimicrobial properties and are not destroyed by microorganisms under operating conditions while maintaining optimal physical and mechanical properties, hygienic properties, stable antimicrobial effect, ensuring safety of use, as well as protection from the impact of pathogenic microflora. The advantage of the developed compositions is the availability of the materials used and a simple technological process for the production of biostable cellulose textile materials of different weave and different surface density.

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The article discusses methods for manufacturing lined weave plush knitwear and ways to reduce the material intensity of knitted fabrics. The purpose of the study is to reduce the material consumption of products while maintaining operational, hygienic and aesthetic properties in the production of knitted fabrics. As a result of experimental work, the technological capabilities of the KН-323D flat knitting machine were studied and new types of lined weave plush knitwear were developed. Comparing the bulk density of plush knitwear with elongated lining broaches with the main base weave, it is clear that the presence of elongated lining broaches in the knitwear structure increases the thickness of the knitwear and reduces the bulk density. The breathability of a lined weave plush jersey is significantly less than that of a basic weave. It has been established that air permeability coefficients can be reduced to 33.1% (46.3-66.9 cm3/cm2∙sec) by adjusting the length of the threads of the lining broaches of plush knitted fabric of lined weave. Regression equations are derived to determine the dependence of bulk density, breaking load (along the length and width) and the air permeability index of knitted fabric on technological factors. Mathematical models were built in Excel using regression equations. The research results make it possible to improve the quality and consumer properties of knitted products, and to select advanced production technologies for their production.

Research on the preferences of maternity clothing shoppers
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The article presents the results of a marketing study conducted to determine the preferences of buyers of clothes for expectant mothers. According to the survey results, we see the need to increase the range of comfortable, beautiful and mobile clothes for pregnant women. With the increase in the number of children, the need for clothes for women expecting a child increases every year. Naturally, expectant young mothers have a question about How to choose the right clothes during pregnancy. Women always want and strive to look stylish, appropriate and beautiful. During pregnancy, it is sometimes difficult to choose the right and beautiful clothes. So, pregnancy is a time when it is necessary to monitor the state of health for the benefit of the unborn child. Of course, during this period it is very difficult to choose clothes that will look stylish and will not harm the child's health. Maternity clothes should take into account the changed state of the body, mood, as at this time the appearance changes. To do this, in this research paper, we conducted a survey among pregnant women about which style and silhouette of clothes would be more comfortable. The results presented in our work help in the design and modeling of pregnant women's clothing.

Safety research of textile materials with flame retardant properties
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This article discusses the findings of a study that explored the use of new compositions containing tetraethoxysilane, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, and hexamethylenediamine to improve the flame retardancy of cellulose fiber materials. The impact of different components and temperatures on the fire-resistant properties of the fabric was examined. In an untreated sample measuring 17*22 cm, ignition occurred in 15 seconds and the fabric burned completely within 60 seconds, whereas a treated sample showed signs of retardation. Increasing the concentration of flame retardant impregnation at a temperature of 150 degrees had minimal effects on the material's strength, air permeability, and appearance. With the help of electron scanning device it was found that on the surface of the fibers of the treated sample morphological changes were observed in the form of film, which in turn contain particles of Si (25.48%), P (17.61%), Na (1.70%). The optimum conditions of fabric processing are determined, the influence of concentration of working solution, impregnation and thermofixation temperature on flame retardant properties of fabrics investigated, also processing can be carried out on standard equipment of finishing enterprises and laboratories. Cotton materials treated with a compound based on tetraethoxysilane, sodium dihydrophosphate and hexamethylenediamine provides adequate fire resistance.

Silvering and coppering of chemically inert textile materials by means of wet-chemical process
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The development of the wet-chemical silvering and coppering method on inert fiber surfaces and a number of usable materials (silver, copper and others) allows fabrication of several textile structures with functional characteristics. In order to analyse the silver and copper coating characteristics such as structure, homogeneity and crack formation, the surface morphology (SM) was investigated using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The chemical structuring of the surfaces (amount of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, silicium, copper and silver) is analysed with an energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Phase formation and crystalline properties of the films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) with a Cu-Kα radiation reflection geometry source. Furthermore, textile-chemical analyses for the wash fastness were carried out as well.

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The article considered the effective issues of preparing a set of quality of special clothes for express delivery courier service, strengthening corporate culture and promoting the brand. The special uniform of the employees ensures the reputation and reliability of the service companies, which increases the professional image of the service. A special uniform, made of textured materials mixed with corporate colors, allows customers to immediately identify the field of service, increases its recognition in this field and the loyalty of its work. In the preparation of express delivery courier clothing sets, mixed textured materials were selected and the wear resistance, non-cracking and friction resistance properties of the various materials package met the specified index requirements, the state technical regulatory committee analyzed the standard indicators in the test samples. The multi-functional express delivery courier clothing set prepared according to the requirements of modern fashion has the importance of creating a new composition of the suit in new constructive and artistic solutions for each season, making the transformation of the courier clothing according to the function impossible. On the basis of the above-mentioned factors, courier clothing is transformed according to the service. A set of clothes prepared with reflective elements ensures the safety of the courier (front waist, back waist, sleeves, trouser seams). Courier's special work clothes made from a package of mixed textured materials, express delivery set is easy to service and meets operational requirements, its shape allows comfortable operation in any weather without hindering movement and extends the service life.

Study of the use of neural network in combination with graphical programs in light industry
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Technology, currently at the peak of its development, provides an opportunity to increase the level of education of modern man. As a consequence, the development of new clothing models using neural networks is also becoming a more efficient way to optimize design processes. By applying neural networks, results can be achieved quickly and easily. Artificial intelligence empowers and optimizes work in the fashion industry: it recognizes clothes from photos, accesses virtual fitting sessions, and, without much effort, easily selects the perfect size. The program will automatically design the pattern and technically reproduce patterns by size, height and fullness. Artificial intelligence will require less creative work from the author, and the designers themselves will be able to spend more time on their creativity. The research paper utilizes Microsoft Bing to facilitate the creation of new designs for clothing patterns. It is an artificial intelligence that can be used to create images, solve problems and get new ideas. With the help of this program it is planned to create an experimental series of Kyrgyz national costumes, the details of which will be designed in the graphic program of Grafic 12 clothing designer.

Study on the strength of needle-punched nonwoven material made on the basis of sole trader "Miras"
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Coarse sheep wool and wastes from the production of woolen yarns are currently considered to be a special waste that requires large disposal costs due to low market demand. For this reason, wool has serious consequences for the environment. However, this type of raw material is considered a promising insulating natural fiber due to its thermal and acoustic properties. Moreover, wool meets the requirements of environmentally friendly materials that are used for yurts, insulation of buildings, and acoustic insulation for the automotive industry. Nevertheless, the sustainability and energy efficiency of insulation materials are currently evaluated comprehensively. In this context, the correctness of the composition of nonwoven fabric, its thickness and strength characteristics, as well as the number of layers play an important role. The purpose of this work is to study the relationship between strength characteristics and thickness, as well as the number of layers in nonwovens made of 100 % wool mixed with coarse and fine fibers, and to determine the most optimal variant of insulating nonwovens. 4 samples of one, two, three and four-layered materials were used in the study. The tested samples of insulating materials were evaluated according to the parameters of breaking load, strength and elongation. The results of the research showed that with an increase in the number of layers of material, there is an increase in the tested two indicators: breaking load and strength. The elongation rates were uneven. Consequently, by examining all three parameters, it was found that the best option is a three-layered nonwoven material.

Studying the quality indicators of acrylic paints with suede effect decorated in youth clothing
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The article provides a comparative analysis of the types of national patterns in the formation and decoration of modern youth clothing. In the preparation of modern youth clothing, the structure and use of “tórt qulaq,” “qus qanaty,” and “óńirjıek” ornaments among the national ornaments of the Kazakh people were substantiated. According to the analysis results, the study used the methods of artistic decoration of national elements with volumetric acrylic paints, decorating with an artistic painting of ornaments of a collection of modern youth clothing formed. We studied the influence of dyeing textile materials of mixed composition with acrylic paints and the quality indicators of test samples decoratively decorated with acrylic paints on textile materials. When decoratively finishing brushed “poker with fleece” fabric with “Decola” acrylic paint, applying the paint to the test sample created difficulties. As a result, we discovered that the paint did not lie smoothly on the fabric’s surface. Test samples of the “milana” suit fabric and raincoat material using “Pebeo acrylic paint with suede effect” acquired a 3D volume. We studied the color fastness of washing test samples, and high-quality indicators of color fastness with artistic ornamental finishing in 3D volumes were obtained for the material “raincoat” and the suiting fabric “milana.” When studying the performance of test samples in terms of hygroscopic properties, the raincoat material had a higher waterproof rating, and the “milana” suit fabric had a lower waterproof rating. As a result of the hygroscopic properties of materials, in the manufacture of a collection of youth clothing, “milana” suit fabric was used, and the decorative detail of the “back yoke” was made of raincoat material with a high waterproof rating. As a result of the study, the ornaments will be decorated with artistic painting with “Pebeo acrylic paint suede effect” with 3D volume and made of “rain-coat” material and suiting fabric “milana” to create a collection of modern youth clothing. The artistic and decorative design of the clothing collection with 3D volumetric ornaments was formed, and modern clothing models that meet the tastes of youth, fashion trends, and market requirements were developed.