Information technologies, mechatronics and robotics as a basis of an interdisciplinary approach to engineering and medical education

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Information technologies, robotics and mechatronics play an important role in modern medicine. The article shows that the use of information technology is an essential part of any activity of a specialist healthcare. The main goal of the medical technique development is the high accuracy and quality of service, efficiency of treatment, reducing the risk of harm to human health. However, despite advances in engineering and technology, health care professionals are not always aware of them, and engineers do not have full information on the needs of modern medicine. The article provides an analysis of the normative document that defines the strategy of the medical science development in the Russian Federation and analyzes the theoretical and practical background of the information technologies, mechatronics and robotics as a basis of an interdisciplinary approach in the development of medicine and engineering. The authors determined the causes of the low interaction between health professionals and engineers in solving multidisciplinary problems. The main reason is the isolation of specialists in various fields of knowledge and the lack of a clear strategy for commercialization. Pedagogical solutions to solve the problem are offered. The authors suggest that the approaches to the educational process should be changed. This will enable to improve the mutual understanding of health professionals and engineers in the course of continuing professional education. The result of training with the involvement of external experts will initiate research in their field, contributing to the global goal: the advancement of science in general.


Information technologies, mechatronics, robotics, health care professionals, continuing professional education

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IDR: 147157768   |   DOI: 10.14529/ped150414

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