Infrared drying in technology of dried fruit from macrocarpous purple cherry plum

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The application of infrared drying in the technology of production of dried fruit from macrocarpous purple cherry plum has been described in the paper. The employment of large-fruited purple cherry plum as the main raw material of the Turkestan region in the production of dried fruits has been scientifically substantiated. Analyzes of large-fruited purple cherry plum have proved the need of infrared drying for production of dried fruit. The technology of dried fruits from large-fruited red-violet cherry plum has been developed. Infrared drying was carried out in one stage at a temperature of 40-60°C for 5-6 hours when the moisture content of the dried cherry plum reached 15-16%. Samples of a valuable and healthy dried fruit from a large-fruited purple cherry plum with an improved appearance and a high content of useful macro- and microelements have been obtained. The developed technology will expand the assortment of dried fruit.


Infrared drying, cherry plum, chemical composition, technology, dried fruit, fruit, safety

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IDR: 140293862

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