Intellectual game as a factor in the development of cognitive abilities in the learning process

Автор: Votintseva Natalia Nikolaevna, Khorosheva Ekaterina Igorevna

Журнал: Евразийский гуманитарный журнал @evrazgum-journal

Рубрика: Лингводидактика

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2019 года.

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The article deals with the peculiarity of the formation of the interrelation between mental and verbal operations in the learning process when using gaming technologies. Despite the fact that it is directly problematic to observe thinking activity, indirectly - in the process of verbalization we observe a number of aspects of the formation of thought-word connections. Intermediate results in the form of notes and conclusions are presented, as a result of approbation of the game “ARGUMENTARIUM”, which is a card game in several circles, in order to identify problems argumentative skills. The attention of teachers in this study was attracted by the aspect of the game that at a certain stage there is either formation or development of cognitive abilities. It turned out that in this play process, each certain stage of the game (setting, inclusion, deep immersion, reflection, prolonged action) is associated with the manifestation of a number of cognitive abilities. The considered game form as a technique is good, according to the majority of participants, for “brain training”. Through the identification of the problems of argumentation, there is also an awareness of the orientation of cognitive development. The ability not only to raise questions qualitatively and correctly and to look into the depths of things is formed, but also the ethical and aesthetic aspect is marked. Participants appreciate that positive excitement from the opportunity to think freely, to join “living thinking”, to see the beauty of correct speech. Teachers practicing this form note the connection with other methods forming “Soft skills” and see the basis for interdisciplinary cooperation through the formation of translinguistic competences. The results of the application of this game form certainly deserve further research, especially in the era of development of games.


Playing space, deep immersion, cognitive abilities, thinking, verbalization, prolonged inclusiveness, argumentation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147227728

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