Based on the work with the equipment of the technopark in the process of developing the phonological competence of future teachers of the English language

Бесплатный доступ

The article deals with the experience of the work with the equipment of the Technopark of the universal pedagogical competencies in the process of developing the phonological competence of the future teachers of the foreign language. The acquisition of the opportunities of the Technopark was conducted in the form of the laboratory works and the measuring with the use of the complex “Digital laboratory in the field of neurotechnologies. Practical course on Biology ”, the sensory apparatus of electromyogram, electroencephalogram and the program BiTronics. The students were taught to work with the equipment of the Technopark, to take the laboratory measuring (the work of the organs of articulation and the work of the brain to listen to speech), to present the results and to implement the experience of the work in the educational process and the practical activities.


Technopark of universal pedagogical competencies, phonological competence, laboratory work, research method, progress of testing

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IDR: 148328489

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