Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia
The Journal is registered by the State Press Committee of the Russian Federation (registration certificate no. 018 782, issued on May 11, 1999).
The main purpose of the Journal is to inform the academic community, including scholars in the humanities and scientists, as well as professors and students, about the latest research results of national and international studies in archeology, physical anthropology, and ethnology of the traditional societies in Europe, Asia, and the Far East, ancient history of Eurasian population since the earliest stages of anthropogenesis until the time of transition to modern forms of social life.
The main purpose of the Journal is to inform the academic community, including scholars in the humanities and scientists, as well as professors and students, about the latest research results of national and international studies in archeology, physical anthropology, and ethnology of the traditional societies in Europe, Asia, and the Far East, ancient history of Eurasian population since the earliest stages of anthropogenesis until the time of transition to modern forms of social life.
The most important objectives of the Journal include:
– Providing communication between Russian and international experts – archeologists, anthropologists, ethnologists, paleogeneticists, and geologists – working in academic organizations of various types;
– Strengthening the role of fundamental research in the studies of ethnocultural genesis and its specific forms, paleo-demography, adaptation processes of ancient human groups to various environments, improvements in the use of natural resources by ancient societies, as well as reconstruction of archaic systems of worldview;
– Using a multidisciplinary approach for historical research;
– Sharing the results of interdisciplinary studies in archeology and paleoecology of the Pleistocene and Holocene, paleometallurgy, geochronology, paleopopulation genetics, physical anthropology, petroglyphics, raw material analysis and techniques of its treatment by ancient humans, and other areas of research;
– Publishing the most outstanding archaeological finds;
– Presenting concepts associated with the most important scholarly discoveries of the current field season;
– Informing readers about important events in academic life;
– Fostering the integration of Russian national scholarly schools into the international scholarly community.
- The Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Institute of Automation and Electrometry of Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences
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The Nagaybaks: from social stratum to ethnic group (the origins of ethnic identity)
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