Статьи журнала - Народонаселение
Все статьи: 962

50 лет в науке: направления исследований и основные результаты
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1.. The main directions of research are interconnected and they require not only a system but also a complex analysis that allows one to see how the results, obtained at one stage, further next steps and advance the progress on the way to investigation of real processes. 2.. The half-century history of studies in the socio-economic sphere shows the necessity of changing the paradigm of investigations and assessment of the main aspects of the state and vital activities of population. This concerns the following directions of research: - the need to change the paradigm of estimating the minimum consumption standards guaranteed by the state; this concerns poverty in the first line; • ·introduction of the gender concept into the analysis of social relations; • a new paradigm of the differentiation of the population as a totality of families; • considering socio-demographic processes in the medico-biological context; • changing the civilizational paradigm determining behaviour models at the macro- and micro-levels. 3. The final results, in a sense, may be essentially presented by three groups. The first group of results has a theoretico-methodological character, the second provides answers to many methodological questions, and the third one is aimed at solving practical tasks in the sphere of social policy.

II Римашевские чтения "Сбережение населения России: здоровье, занятость, уровень и качество жизни"
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II международная научно-практическая конференция "Устойчивое развитие территорий: теория и практика"

III Римашевские чтения "Сбережение населения России: здоровье, занятость, уровень и качество жизни"
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IV Римашевские чтения "Сбережение населения России: здоровье, занятость, уровень и качество жизни"

The quality and meaning of life of cancer patients in remission: socio-psychological aspects
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The sense of the meaning of life is a subjectively felt, positive mental state. Suffering in chronic illness intensifies in a human being the sense of isolation and gives rise to emotions with that an individual often cannot cope. Such experiences are characteristic of the process of cancer remission. The sense of coherence strengthens the sense of coping with disease, which increases prospects of recovery. The article presents the results of the authors' research (103 respondents) on the quality and meaning of life of cancer patients in remission: socio-psychological aspects, indicators of the categories of «meaning of life», «responsibility», «consistency», and the latter is dominant at the stage of cancer remission in the studied cohorts. The survey was conducted on the basis of the methodology developed by the authors using the «Goal in Life» test (PIL) by J. K. Crumbaugh and J.J. Smith. Maholicka, as well as «The sense of coherence» by A. Antonovsky (SOC-29). The study showed that the group under survey had a fairly high level of indicators of the categories «meaning of life», «responsibility», «consistency», which did not depend on when the respondents were diagnosed with cancer, as well as the fact that the studied indicators reached higher values in women than in men. Interpersonal factors «meaning of life» and «responsibility» were identified as dominant in the study of the quality and meaning of life in relation to other socio-psychological factors.